Cloud-based architecture and artificial intelligence

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133220396

Throughout this course, you have learned about a number of cross-platform technology concepts pertaining to virtualization, cloud-based architecture, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things. For this paper, you will reflect on what you learned throughout this course, and the personal and societal implications of these technologies.


1. Are you more aware of the impact that cross-platform technologies has on your daily life?

2. Have you changed the way you view or do something in either your personal or professional life based on a new understanding of a concept?

3. What was the most significant concept that you learned?

4. Were there any shifts in your understanding of a particular concept? If so, what was that concept and how did it change?

5. What is the greatest societal benefit from having these cross-platform technologies in private and professional life?

6. What is the most concerning societal implication of having these cross-platform technologies in private and professional life?

Reference no: EM133220396

Questions Cloud

Professional development plan : In this assignment students will prepare their own Professional Development Plan.
Described using stack instead of recursion to reduce : Consider the effect of replacing this with statement. Described using a stack instead of recursion to reduce the number of function calls made.
Consider timed process with input event : Consider a timed process with an input event x and two output events y and z. Whenever the process receives an input event on the channel x,
Think of situation in which using plan like innovation : Think of a situation in which using a plan like an innovation plan to justify taking an action would have impacted some choices you made?
Cloud-based architecture and artificial intelligence : You have learned about a number of cross-platform technology concepts pertaining to virtualization, cloud-based architecture, artificial intelligence,
Information technology practitioner : Why are softskills important to your success as an information technology practitioner? What degree are you working toward? Did you change your major?
Consider distributed ?le system : Consider a distributed ?le system that uses per-user name spaces. In other words, each user has his own, private name space.
Intended to interact with each robot : Briefly discuss how a user is intended to interact with each robot. and suggest why it may not be suitable for use by a logistics robot.
Explain lambda api logic : Describe the advantages of using a serverless API. Explain Lambda API logic. Summarize the steps needed to integrate the frontend with the backend.


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