Clinical criteria for determining danger

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Reference no: EM131918335

Topic: Clinical Criteria for Determining Danger to Self A 45-year-old wife of one of the staff physicians was admitted to the emergency room. She is intoxicated and loud.

Her husband wants her admitted to the psychiatric unit. He has asked to have two other physicians that are his friends to sign the paper work to admit her.

In New York State where the hospital is located two physicians can admit a patient against their will if they are a danger to themselves or others.

You happen to be a neighbor and know that the couple is going through a divorce and the husband wants custody of the two children.

You also know he is dating a nurse on another unit. Differentiate between the ethical and legal implications of her admission. What actions will you take?

Support your decisions with legal reasoning and case law. More than three references including essentials of nursing law and ethics by westrick 2014

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The paper is the related to the case study in which involunatry condition needs to be accessed and monitored. This paper also highlights the requirement of the such understanding of the legal laws. This paper has been prepared in Microsoft Word Document.

Reference no: EM131918335

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