Client experiencing sexual dysfunctions

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Reference no: EM1359229

Counselors should use appropriate treatment strategies when working with clients experiencing sexual dysfunctions, compulsions, and/or addictions. Selected interventions should be appropriate to the needs of the client and be grounded in a theoretical and/or empirical basis. Therefore, counselors should carefully develop assessment and treatment plans to help them gather information about the client's unique background characteristics and guide them in their work with these clients.

To prepare for this Assignment, select one sexual dysfunction, compulsion, or addiction from the DSM. Then think about how you might assess and treat this dysfunction, compulsion, or addiction.

The Assignment (2- to 3-page paper):

Develop a treatment and assessment plan for the sexual dysfunction, compulsion, or addiction you selected. Be sure to include potential presenting problems a client might have (i.e., mental health symptoms and relationship concerns), strategies you might use to assess these concerns (e.g., standardized instruments of interview strategies), and treatment goals in your plan.

Support the elements of your plan with evidence-based research.

Reference no: EM1359229

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