Client could use to access server and transfer files

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM133341379


1. Which of the following is a benefit of virtualization compared to using dedicated hardware?

User experience




2. Which of the following are typically included with server operating systems to help optimize server functionality? Select all that apply.

A simplified user interface

More RAM capacity

Allow more network connections

Added security

3. What is a type of tool a client could use to access a server and transfer files?

A DNS server

A server operating system

An FTP Client


4. If we want to access files located in a directory on a remote server, which of the following options should we use?

FTP client

DNS server

NTP server

VNC client

5. Which one of the following options allows you to access a system remotely?





6. You are setting up a website for your company. You have purchased a domain name for the site and have decided to host your web content yourself. What might you need to set up to point your new domain name to where web content is located?

An authoritative DNS server

A TFTP server

A proxy server

A VNC client

7. If you want to integrate your DHCP server with DNS, which of the following information will you need to configure DHCP? Select all that apply.

The subnet mask that gets used

A domain name

The Gateway you should assign

The address of your local DNS servers

9. A website is inaccessible via its URL. You've pinged the site and see no problem there. What is the next troubleshooting step?

Access host file and check for inconsistencies

Turn the device off and on again

Use nslookup in the terminal to rule out DNS issues

Ping localhost

Reference no: EM133341379

Questions Cloud

Explain the benefits of network topologies : Explain the benefits of network topologies in relation to network efficiency adding how routing protocols assist in the efficient delivery of network traffic.
Explain the benefits of network topologies : Explain the benefits of network topologies in relation to network efficiency adding how routing protocols assist in the efficient delivery of network traffic.
Symmetrical and asymmetrical dsl technologies : With examples, differentiate between symmetrical and asymmetrical DSL technologies.
List three comprehensive survey papers published : Use Google Scholar to search for research papers about "6G Overview". List three comprehensive survey papers published after 2020.
Client could use to access server and transfer files : What is a type of tool a client could use to access a server and transfer files? Which one of the following options allows you to access a system remotely?
Cloud computing to small and medium-sized businesses : What are the benefits of cloud computing to small and medium-sized businesses?
Wholly open systems and wholly proprietary systems : Discuss the protection mechanisms "wholly open systems" and "wholly proprietary systems". How do they fit within the control continuum?
Interests and knowledge in order to contribute to society : Institutions of higher learning are meant for people hoping to broaden their interests and knowledge in order to contribute to society.
Digital techniques in communication : Describe the benefits of using digital techniques in communication. Which of these is probably the most important?


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