Cleint software so that it does not display

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM13161745

Python Programming Basic TCP/IP exercise. What they are asking is just to improve or add little features to the completed program (This exercise is directly from the book and the script/program is provided by the book). The scripts will be provided below by link this is a school related exercise. Version of python used is 3.X or later. I just need to have the program with these working that are below. If you can help me do 2 of them i'll be grateful and more than that would be astonishing. If you have any inquiries/quesiton please be sure to comment.



1) Rewrite chatclient script/program to that explicitly informs user that the connnection has been lost.

2) Rewrite the chat server/client so that each time the user tries to send a private message to a non-exister user, the server prints back "UNKNOWNUSER". (In book this is ex.16.10)

3) When a new user Joins to the chatserver/room the program should print/display the name/s of any or all present users apart from them.

4) Rewrite the cleint software so that it does not display an echo of a message sent by the users. Maybe it means that each time a user tries to send a private message that same message is also sent back to them? summary: stop that from happening?

5) Extend chat room software so that private messsages can be sent simultaneously. Multiple priv message at the same time?


Reference no: EM13161745

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