Classify and explain the r&d investment strategy

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM131208658

Task: Innovation-then-Price Competition

Consider a two-stage game where firms invest in cost-reducing R&D in the first stage and set prices in the second stage. The firms' demand functions are Di(p1, p2) = 1 - pi + pj, i, j = 1, 2, i ≠ j. The unit costs of both firms are ci = 1 - yi, where the reduction yi causes R&D expenditures (yi2).

(a) Solve for the symmetric open-loop equilibrium of the game where R&D activities are unobservable and show that the firms' optimal R&D expenditure is y2 = 1/4. Solve for the equilibrium prices and profits.

(b) Now assume that R&D investment is not only observable but also leads to inter firm knowledge spillovers such that the firms' unit costs are ci = 1 - yi - syj where s ∈ [0,1] is the spillover parameter. Show that the firms' optimal R&D expenditure is y2 = (1 - s)2/9. Solve for the equilibrium prices and profits in the limit cases of s = 0 and s = 1 and compare the results with those derived in (a).

(c) Classify and explain the R&D investment strategy in case of s = 0 according to the general taxonomy of business strategies.

(d) How do you expect the R&D expenditure to change qualitatively if there is quantity (capacity-price) competition instead of price competition? Explain.

Reference no: EM131208658

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