Class named showstudent that instantiates a student object

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940704

Create a class named Student. A Student has fields for and ID number, numver of credit hours earned, and number of points earned. Include methods to assign values to all fields. A Student also has a field for grade point average. Include a method to compute the grade point average field gby dividing points by credits hours earned. Write methods to display the values in each Student field. Save as

Write a class named ShowStudent that instantiates a Student object from th eclass and then display all the vlaues associated with the Student. Save as

Create a constructor for the student class you created. The constructor should initialize each Student's ID number to 9999, his or her points eared to 12, and credit hours to 3 (resulting in a gpa of 4.0) Write a program that demonstrates that the constructor works by instantiating an object and displaying th einitial values. Save as

Reference no: EM13940704

Questions Cloud

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