Class characterized underneath

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM133251677

21. Which among coming up next is right for the class characterized underneath?

class understudy
int marks;
public: student(){}
student(int x)
understudy s1(100);
understudy s2();
understudy s3=100;
bring 0 back;

22. The duplicate constructors can be utilized to?

23. Which constructor will be called from the article obj2 in the accompanying C++ program?

class A
int I;
A(int x)
A(int y, int x)

An obj1(10);

An obj2(10,20);

An obj3;

24. Which among the accompanying addresses right constructor?

25. What happens when an item is passed by reference?

26. Which access specifier is normally utilized for information individuals from a class?

27. How to get to information individuals from a class?

28. Which component of OOP lessens the utilization of settled classes?

29. Which watchword among the accompanying can be utilized to proclaim a variety of articles in java?

30. Which administrator can be utilized to free the memory dispensed for an item in C++?

Reference no: EM133251677

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