Clarify the principle using a rapid identification system

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM135770

Q1. Clarify the principle and advantage of using a rapid identification system, as in the Enterotube. How would you rate the Enterotube system with conventional bacteriological procedures to identify members of the Enterobacteriaceae family? Why with reason?

Q2. A phenotypically normal woman is known to have the X-chromosome constitution gd +/+ hemA. The recessive allele gd is associated with a deficiency of enzyme glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the red blood cells, and hemA is the recessive allele determining classical hemophilia. If the genetic distance between the two loci is 16 cM, what is the probability that a son born to this woman would be phenotypically normal with respect to both of these traits? Give details.

Reference no: EM135770

Questions Cloud

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