Clarify the factors that are used in the npv and fv formulas

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131312101

PowerPoint Finance

You have been asked by a manager in your organization to put together a training program explaining Net Present Value (NPV) and Future Value (FV) and how they are used to evaluate the price of stock. You have been given the following objectives:

Upon completing your Net Present Value (NPV) and Future Value (FV) Training Program, employees should be able to do the following:

• Explain NPV and FV.
• Describe the factors that are used in the NPV and the FV formulas.
• Give an example of how to use the formulas for NPV and FV for a stock purchase.
• Summarize the differences between the two formulas and the purpose of using each.

Develop a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint Presentation (excluding title slide and reference slide) that cover each of the above topics. In the slide notes, include your explanations for each topic above. You must use a minimum of two scholarly sources. Format the presentation and cite your resources according to the APA format.

Reference no: EM131312101

Questions Cloud

Applying key skills : Describe the key skills you learned in this course. Explain how you expect to use those skills in your future academic, personal, and / or professional life.
Discuss the concepts associated with managing relationships : Distinguish between ethical and legal principles and practices and define your concept of ethical behavior as it relates to the purchasing and supply management function.
Calculate infinite dilution activity coefficient : Calculate the infinite dilution activity coefficient of pentachlorobenzene (C6HCl5) in water. It is a solid at room temperature and has a melting point of 86?C and a molecular weight of 250.3. It has a logKow of 4.65.
Where is the fault in this analogy : What are the connections here between the eating and the thinking?Where is the fault in this analogy?Provide an example of using person-centered care in communicating to another who disagrees with you.
Clarify the factors that are used in the npv and fv formulas : Describe the factors that are used in the NPV and the FV formulas. Give an example of how to use the formulas for NPV and FV for a stock purchase.
Analyze the impact of business transactions on accounts : Analyze the impact of business transactions on accounts.- Record the first two transactions of the business directly in the T-accounts without using a journal.
Is organized religion necessary for social organization : DISCUSS the following: According to the Interactionist Perspective, what does religious membership, worship, and organization provide the individual member of society? Is organized religion necessary for social organization? Why or why not?
Provide a qualitative explanation for these observations : River water is often muddy, whereas seawater is not. At the confluence of a river with the sea, a large silt deposit is always observed. Based on the principles of charged interfaces, provide a qualitative explanation for these observations.
What effect would rising rates have upon corporate earnings : what effect would rising rates have upon the Consumer financing for big-ticket items such as autos and homes; the present and future values of annuities; the NPV calculation; the WACC; and corporate earnings?


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