Claim of the brewery regarding the mean volume

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM13103895

A brewery claims that the consumers are getting a mean volume equal to 32 ounces of beer in their quart bottles. The Bureau of Weights and Measures randomly selects 36 bottles and obtains the following measures in ounces:

32.09 31.89 31.06 32.03 31.42 31.39 31.75

31.53 32.42 31.56 31.95 32.00 31.39 32.09

31.67 31.47 32.45 32.14 31.86 32.09 32.34

32.00 30.95 33.53 32.17 31.81 31.78 32.64

31.06 32.64 32.20 32.11 31.42 32.09 33.00


Test the claim of the brewery about the mean volume equal to 32 oz. at the 0.05 significance level. It's your choice whether to use z or t.

Reference no: EM13103895

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