Reference no: EM133142264 , Length: word count: 500 words
CIVL4017 - Surface Water Hydrology Assignment - Project Brief
Background - The project has been formulated to allow you to determine the differences in catchment responses before and after development. The catchment currently is undeveloped and one of the three sub-catchments is proposed for development. It is up to your team to decide which sub-catchment you want developed. You will need to identify the sub-catchment for development in your report.
Please note that the project has been formulated step-by-step (each task identified), the final report will need to be in a technical report format.
Task 6 - Post-development hydrographs
Your team will need to repeat the process, taking into account development of one of the sub-catchments. For the catchment being developed, use the following. Both initial loss and continuing loss will be reduced by 50%.
15-minute unit-hydrograph will have the following characteristics.
-Peak discharge will increase by 25%
-Time to peak will decrease by 10%
-Time base will decrease by 20%
Use the above adjustments to scale and generate meaningful post-development 15-min unit hydrograph. Your team will have to ensure that the volume balance works out. This may require a few iterations.
Your team will then need to construct Δt-hr unit hydrograph (post-development) for the sub-catchment being developed and use this to generate post development catchment response.
Note - Task 6 is to be done only. This is task 3 on based of this task 6 is to be done. Words 500 for task 6 only needed. This is task 3 on based of this task 6 is to be done (Excel one).
Attachment:- Surface Water Hydrology Assignment File.rar