Civil forfeiture

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Reference no: EM133347205

Political authority

Many U.S. states and the U.S. federal government have laws regarding something called "civil forfeiture." In civil forfeiture, the police are free to seize your assets if they suspect the asset of coming from or leading to the commission of a crime - whether or not you are charged with a crime.

Example-You have withdrawn $10,000 from your bank account, where you save your paychecks, birthday gifts and lottery wins, in order to buy scalped Superbowl tickets outside the stadium on game day. On the way to the game, you are stopped for failing to wear your seatbelt and the police notice you have a huge envelope of money on your front seat. They seize it, under the assumption that it comes from the drug trade in some way, but do not charge you personally with a crime. Depending on the laws in the state where you are stopped, you may or may not be able to get the money back.

Question: Why, or under what circumstances, would that author think (or not think) the police had the right to seize your money?

Reference no: EM133347205

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