Reference no: EM132837898
CIVE40009 Current Practices in Civil Engineering - Nottingham Trent University
Assessment Brief
Learning Outcome 1: Review critically engineering principles and methods used in conditions assessment and structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure;
Learning Outcome 2: Evaluate the design and installation approaches used for various sensing systems for structural health monitoring, including any health and safety related issues
Learning Outcome 3: Comprehensively explain and critique engineering principles applied across a wide range of applications in civil engineering.
Learning Outcome 4: Appraise the design and construction processes across a range of themes and adapt techniques and novel solutions to a wide range of applications.
Learning Outcome 5: Constructively evaluate and endeavour to improve health and safety issues as they relate to civil engineering and to construction practice.
Learning Outcome 6: Explain and debate with technical and policy based evidence, complex sustainability and environmental issues related to civil engineering and develop strategies and procedures which take them into account.
Learning Outcome 7: Integrate knowledge of mathematics, science, information technology, design, business context and engineering practice and apply to novel and challenging situations to solve a substantial range of problems
Learning Outcome 8: Investigate from available civil engineering data that is pertinent to an unfamiliar problem and suggest solutions.
Learning Outcome 9: Argue on a wide range of issues associated with civil engineering, efficiently and effectively while presenting solutions to a problem.
Learning Outcome 10: Develop innovative approaches for systems, components or processes to fulfil new needs in civil engineering.
Learning Outcome 11:Critically evaluate fundamental knowledge in the investigation of new and emerging civil engineering technologies.
Select one of the following topics:
1. Application of non-structural fasteners in civil engineering projects
2. Structural aspects of slab track systems as alternative to conventional railway track systems.
3. Structural aspects of twin-block concrete sleepers used for railway track systems
4. Optimum design of steel truss bridges
5. Optimum design of prestressed concrete bridge girders
6. Performance of timber structures under earthquake loading
Attachment:- Current Practices in Civil Engineering.rar