Reference no: EM132675210
CIS8500 Applied Research for Information System Professionals Assignment - University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Assessment - Conference Paper
Task overview -
Task description - As team you will collaboratively write a paper for submission to the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS2020).
What you need to do - You are required to form a team of three to collaboratively work on a research topic. Approval from the course examiner is required for groups of two or more members.
Research topic: The team members should have already developed similar expertise in writing assignments 1 and 2 on the same assigned topic. The conference paper topic should be extended and linked to Assignment 1 and 2, and agreed by all team members.
Forming teams: To find team members, use the forums to let others know what your research topic is, and what research questions (gaps that you had identified in Assignment 2) that you are interested in investigating. Start discussions in the forums and form a team with others who have similar interests. The course examiner will also help put you in a team if you are not able to form a team.
Each member of the team should be familiar with the following research guides:
- Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research 2018
- Australian Government Authorship Guide
Before submitting a Research Team and Research Topic Proposal form (Appendix 1):
- Read Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research 2018
- Read Australian Government Authorship Guide
- Share Assignment 1 and 2 with team members, discuss the identified research gaps.
- Nominate a team leader,
- Discuss and agree on a topic,
- Discuss contribution of each member. The team leader will submit Research Team Topic Proposal.
As a group you will work collaboratively to write the conference paper. You must adhere to the detailed Conference paper writing requirements found in Appendix 2.
Note - Need maximum 5000 words or 10 pages, including references and appendices.
Attachment:- Information System Professionals Assignment File.rar