Reference no: EM132884973 , Length: word count:1200
CIS7015 Team Software Development Project - Cardiff Metropolitan University
ASSIGNMENT - Team Software Development Project
Assignment Overview
This coursework requires you to form teams of between three and seven members to carry out a Rapid Application Development (RAD) exercise. Each team will appoint members to one or more of the following roles:
• Facilitator
• Scribe
• Senior Management Representative
• User Representative
• Developer
The roles are described in more detail in the next section of this document. It will be noted that the ideal team size is five. If the team numbers greater or fewer than five then there will either be more than one team member per role or more than one role per team member.
The team is required to develop a simple system using the RAD methodology and a suitable development environment. The precise domain and scope may be chosen by the team. An example would be a property management system for a letting agency developed using MS Access and consisting of two or three tables with a small number of associated forms and queries or a prototype of a mobile application.
Clearly, the development should begin with a requirement for a system from the user representative(s) and management representative(s). This should take account of the known capabilities of the developers.
Description of RAD Roles
The focus of the facilitator is to help with how the discussion is proceeding rather than the content of the discussion i.e. the facilitator's responsibility is to address the journey, rather than the destination. Additionally, they should:
a. mediate in disputes between other parties
b. motivate resistant participants
Associated Tools: Trello (or another Kanban board system); Word;
The major role of the scribe is to record decisions made at each workshop. Additionally, the scribe should:
a. keep a project diary to assist team members in understanding and reflecting on what has occurred and also to assist with writing up the assignment
b. record instances of conflict and conflict resolution within the team
Associated Tools: Word (diary and meeting notes);
The developer must:
a. gather requirements from other team members
b. produce a prototype design for presentation during a workshop
c. listen to criticisms and feedback
d. produce further prototype designs for presentation at further workshops until a final version is agreed
e. produce a working prototype for presentation at a workshop then repeat steps c and d.
Associated Tools:(Developer skillset focused) Programming Environment;Github/Bitbucket;
Management Representative
The management representative must:
a. understand the strategy of the chosen organisation
b. ensure that the requirements of the system reflects the strategic needs of the organisation
c. establish a budget for the proposed system development
d. ensure that the costs of the system development do not exceed the budget
Associated Tools: MS Project; Word (record MangamentStrategy and Needs)
User Representative
The user representative must:
a. ensure that the requirements of the proposed system adequately reflect the needs of the people who are going to use the system
b. work with the developer to refine the prototype system
Associated Tools: Word (recorduser needs)
All Team Members
Work together to complete the assignment in an effective and timely manner.
Outputs and Hand-in Details
1. PRES1 A presentation by the group describing the development programme. This should last between 10 and 15 minutes. Please record this presentation as a video and submit this through Moodle.
(this to beconducted through MS Teams/ MS Streamby reviewing the methods deployed during term time on moodle)
2. WRIT1An individual report (2400 words +/-10%)
• Detail your role on the team,what you did and how your role contributed to the development of the project.(1000 words)
• A personal reflection of your experiences during the programme (e.g. what you gained from the programme etc.) (400 words)
• A critique of the RAD methodology.(1000 words)
Learning Outcome 1. Critically evaluate and manage self and peer learning, progress and performance effectively
Learning Outcome 2. Analyse issues involved in collaborative software development
Learning Outcome 3. Justify selection of appropriate methods, tools and techniques to develop a prototype
Attachment:- Team Software Development Project.rar