Reference no: EM132519807 , Length: 6 pages + 8 ppt
CIS109 Data Communication and Networking - Emirates College of Technology
Learning Outcome 1: Explain the basic requirements for data communication and networking
Learning Outcome 2: Compare the various data transmission methods and techniques and select the appropriate ones
Learning Outcome 3: Compare the different transmission media technology and select the appropriate ones
Learning Outcome 4: Explain the concepts behind the Network addressing and Routing Protocols
Learning Outcome 5: Identify the concepts of Cloud computer and the emerging technology behind it.
Learning Outcome 6: Explain the concepts of Internet of Things (IoT) and the emerging technology behind it.
Learning Outcome 7: Relate the security measures to LAN and WAN networks
Learning Outcome 8: Demonstrate team work abilities
Project objectives:
Upon completion of this Project, students will be able to:
• Identify the common components of modern networks;
• Identify the common elements of the Internet;
• Illustrate how end user devices connect to the Internet;
• Relate the service providers (network providers, contents providers, application providers, application service providers) to end users, and explain, with examples, the difference between all those providers;
• Explain how the infrastructure devices inter-connect networks;
• Correctly identify some cabling technologies for use in the network;
• Present and explain how clouds provide services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, XaaS);
• Describe the connectivity of different Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
In this project, you will use your knowledge which you acquired throughout this course to model the data communication and modern networking. Each student should follow and achieve the following tasks:
Problem Task 1: Create your own representation of the Internet as you see it, and using the networking concept you learned throughout this course.
1. Draw your representation of the Internet. You may draw it using any MS Office tools, alternatively you can use Packet Tracer to illustrate your idea; no Packet Tracer configuration is necessary. To represent the components within your drawing, make sure to use icon shapes similar to those used in PacketTracer whileillustrating the communication media, end devices, and infrastructure/networking devices.):
• LANs
• WANs
• Communication media
• Internet clouds
• End devices
• IoT (Internet of Things)
• Infrastructure devices
• Security devices
2. Provide an example of IP configuration of one connected network (example: home network, a company's network, or a provider's network). Please show the private IP addressing and the public IP addressing of that network.
Problem Task 2: Description of your representation
Your report should include a description of the Internet components your included within your Internet representation. Make sure to address all points mentioned in the project objective listed above. You should describe each of the following in detail:
• LANs
• WANs
• Communication media
• Internet clouds
• End devices
• IoT (Internet of Things)
• Infrastructure devices
• Security devices
Problem Task 3: Reflection on the current Internet infiltration within our lives, and how you see the future of interaction.
Include ONE new trends/concept as related to artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, machine learning, cloud computing, OR information security issues.
Problem Task 4: Presentation
Each student should present her/his work online in front of their classmates. The following are some guidelines to help you plan your presentation:
- Brief description about your representation of the Internet.
- Brief description of the Internet components.
- Brief description of one network configuration (show a private IP address, default Gateway, a public IP address, etc..).
The evaluation of your presentation will be based on the following criteria:
- Clarity of demonstration.
- Utilization of time.
Attachment:- Data Communication and Networking.rar