CHS 5535 Forensic Analysis Assignment

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Reference no: EM133043614

CHS 5535 Forensic Analysis - Florida International University


Purpose: During this course we have explored the role that physical evidence plays in the criminal justice system including crime scene methods, laboratory management and ethics, and the legal framework as it relates to physical evidence. This assignment will help you to think critically about the life cycle of physical evidence.

It will train you to think and write like a forensic scientist by having you identify the most important aspects of physical evidence from crime scene to courtroom, use appropriate terminology and style to discuss them, and make an argument about how they affect the criminal justice system.

Summary: In this formal analysis, you will identify the key aspects of physical evidence in its life cycle (crime scene to courtroom/recognition to expert opinion) that you back with a detailed description of the scientific principles and legal requirements that govern physical evidence. Consideration should be given to all concepts covered in this course.

- Your paper should use APA style.

- Use at least 4-5 source apart from the course material (In test citation is required) Please also review the PowerPoints slides from the course to assist with this assignment. Important sections: (IMPORTANT)

- Your essay should open with a brief, general description of the evidence item and the scene it was discovered in. The evidence item and scene particulars are to be of your own creation but should allow you to fully develop your response to this assignment.

- You should include descriptions of the significant requirements of identification, photographing, collection of sample, control and reference samples, documentation, interpretation, preservation, handling, packaging, chain of custody, collection storage, analysis, exhibit admission, and opinion testimony You should conclude with an explanation of how these many elements work together to create meaningful use of physical evidence in our criminal justice system. If necessary, you should use the APA citation style. Evaluation Criteria: Your grade on the assignment will depend on the following: (IMPORTANT)

Your identification of the key aspects of physical evidence from the course.

Your discussion of these principles including detail drawn from the evidence item.

Your use of these principles to describe the life cycle of the evidence item.

Your adherence to the principles of physical evidence as outlined in "Important Sections" above.

Your adherence to the principles of the role that physical evidence plays in the criminal justice system as outlined in the course materials.

Your ability to produce a paper that is free from grammar and mechanics errors.

Attachment:- Evidence Handling Processing and Tracking.rar

Reference no: EM133043614

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CHS 5535 Forensic Analysis Assignment : CHS 5535 Forensic Analysis Assignment Help and Solution, Florida International University - Homework Help
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