Christian leaders are routinely asked to provide counsel

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Reference no: EM133733539


Christian leaders are routinely asked to provide counsel and instruction as two of the many roles you will fill. In some instances, preparation for these events can potentially lead to exhaustion, or in other instances, potentially replace your quality personal time with God. How do you protect against this human pitfall to safeguard your spiritual growth and personal time with Christ?

Reference no: EM133733539

Questions Cloud

Positively acknowledging or rewarding good performance : Jane praises her employees by positively acknowledging or rewarding good performance.
Ron struggles with motivating employees to arrive on time : Ron struggles with motivating his employees to arrive on time to work. He was able to get his company to install a time clock that makes a loud noise
Straight shooter : Gina, a manager in the HR department, is known as a straight shooter. She often tells employees when their work is not up to standards.
Explain how researcher with the christian worldview : Explain how researcher with the Christian worldview can assist an organization that has a different perspective regarding how to share data that reflects poorly
Christian leaders are routinely asked to provide counsel : Christian leaders are routinely asked to provide counsel and instruction as two of the many roles you will fill. In some instances, preparation for these events
Cyberspace-the fifth operational domain : According to the article, Cyberspace - The Fifth Operational Domain, by Larry Welch, there is a perception that developing forces with cyber capabilities
Charge of drafting and strategically scheduling : You're in charge of drafting and strategically scheduling one month's worth of social media content for your organization's Instagram
Social media content for your organization instagram : You're in charge of drafting and strategically scheduling one month's worth of social media content for your organization's Instagram, Facebook,
Improve the work-life balance of company workforce : You are a member of a consulting team hired to improve the work-life balance of a company's workforce.


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