Chord peer-to-peer system

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133266012

Distributed Systems Question

Consider the Chord peer-to-peer system. Suppose that the identifiers of nodes contain 8 bits (i.e., the node names are hashed to 8 bit numbers).

Suppose that the (hashed) identifiers of the nodes in the system are as follows: 9, 10, 20, 24, 90, 105, 245.

(a) List all the fingers at node 9.

(b) Suppose that node 9 needs to locate the node that stores key with hashed identifier 248. Show how this request will be forwarded from node 9 to the node that stores the desired key.

(c) In the Chord p2p network above, determine which nodes will store the keys with the following hashed identifiers: 9, 10, 11, 29, 248, 255.

Reference no: EM133266012

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