Choosing the means of communication to kim

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Reference no: EM132628182

Refer to case study 1, then answer the question that follows.

Case study 1

You are the Lead Educator in the toddler room at XYZ Child Care Centre. Alex's mother Kim has recently left a note for you in Alex's communication book as follows:

"Hi, Alex has come home AGAIN without his jumper and is also missing socks and one shoe. This is the third time this month that Alex has had his things go missing. I am really disappointed with this situation and expect that you take better care of things at the Centre. I am considering asking you to cover the costs of the lost items unless they are found. I look forward to your response. Thanks, Kim Bourne."

The Director has asked you to reply to this complaint and suggests that you address Kim's feelings of disappointment and expectations, offer a suggestion to resolve the problem and explain what actions you will take to ensure that Alex's belongings are taken care of in future.

You are required to plan, draft, review and finalise your reply prior to sending it.


  • Plan your reply by listing the following:
  • The recipient of the document
  • The purpose of the document
  • How you will format and structure the reply?
  • Your reason for choosing the method of communication based on suitable language style and level of formality
  • Your reason for choosing the means of communication to Kim based on the Centre's regular practices
  • What are the key points to include in the reply?
  • How you would ensure that the reply gets to Alex's mother?

Reference no: EM132628182

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