Choose two different formats for audio and with each record

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13315539

Chapman, N. and Chapman, J. (2009), Digital Multimedia, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN10: 0470858907 ISBN13: 978-0470858905</o:p>
Assignment is split in 2 parts (2 questions):

Question 1: HTML Editors:It is possible to create and edit web pages in a number of ways. For example, we could edit HTML tags by hand, use a visual editor such as Dreamweaver or use an HTML generator/template based (such as Wordpress) to edit a layout and then create the HTML from it.Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of these approaches.

Question2: Audio Quality:

Choose two different formats for audio and with each record a short passage of speech and a short passage of music. Try to discern any difference in quality. What do you think? Would another person feel the same way and if not, why not?Post your answer, which should state the recording software used and attach the passages so that others can discuss the contribution.PS: the recorded short passage must have male voice.I expect to receive 2 word files, one for each question containing citations and references in harvard referencing.


Reference no: EM13315539

Questions Cloud

Equity theory-goal-setting theory : In managing operations in Europe, which process theory - equity theory, goal-setting theory, or expectancy theory - would be of most value to an American manager? Why?
Summarize utilitarianism as a moral theory : In Plato'sRepublic, Glaucon presents a three-part argument meant to show that justice is not natural but rather conventional. Present the first part of that argument - the part which has to do with the origin of justice.
Determine the e-void ratio and gs-specific gravity : The moist unit weights and degrees of saturation of a soil are given: moist unit weight (1) = 16.62 kN/m^3, degree of saturation (1) = 50%; moist unit weight (2) = 17.71 kN/m^3, degree of saturation (2) = 75%.
Problem on visual paradigm information : Launch Visual Paradigm. You will be prompted to activate your software. Activate your software using the activation code that was sent to your email account.
Choose two different formats for audio and with each record : Choose two different formats for audio and with each record a short passage of speech and a short passage of music. Try to discern any difference in quality. What do you think?
How many hours elapsed for that activity : A space ship has left Earth and is currently traveling at 80% the speed of light. On board, a crew member takes 6 hours to read a science fiction novel. For an observer on Earth, how many hours elapsed for that activity?
Calculate the mass of the planet from this information : A planet's moon travels in an approximately circular orbit of radius 5.4 107 m with a period of 7 h 21 min. Calculate the mass of the planet from this information
Compare and contrast private with public clouds : Write clearly and concisely about cloud & virtual computing topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
What is the maximum speed of the mass : a 5 kg mass is attached to the end of a 1.0-m string. The system is whirled in a horizontal circular path. What is the maximum speed of the mass if the string is not to break


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