Choose the most effective technology

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Reference no: EM13781288

Identify the specific medium or media you would use to deliver each of the messages. Write a minimum of 1-paragraph for each message that describe and explain your choices.

Choose the most effective technology, medium, or combination of media for each of the following messages: A message to the technical support about an employee's computer that has been infected by a virus.

A message from HR to all employees, explaining the changes to the company health plan in the coming year.

A message from the CEO of a large company to employees, explaining negative news regarding the company appearing on national news channels.

A message from a gym manager to clients about temporarily closing the pool in the gym.

A message from a professional association to members about the coming annual conference. Explain your answers. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM13781288

Questions Cloud

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Explain the concepts of reactivity and inertia : Explain the concepts of reactivity and inertia as well as how each concept acts as a barrier to change in criminal justice organizations.
Four types of crimes : Generate a chart or table that lists a variety of crime types. Your chart should include at least four types of crimes and should include violent crimes and economic crimes as two of the types.
Buddha practices the middle path/ way of life : Buddha practices the middle path/ way of life. It's called the eightfold path which are the principles to live by (right view, right intention, etc.) you should look that up. The 8 steps are the path to enlightenment. He also believes in the four nob..
Choose the most effective technology : Identify the specific medium or media you would use to deliver each of the messages. Write a minimum of 1-paragraph for each message that describe and explain your choices.
Analyze the key benefits and main disadvantages of postcards : In your own words, analyze the key benefits and main disadvantages of postcards in 1873. compare and contrast the key details of the first postcard in 1873 and postcards available today.
Find information about hospitals-medical providers : Numerous resources now exist that allow individuals to make an informed choice of who will provide their medical care. Unfortunately, the average health care consumer is unaware of where to find information about hospitals, medical providers, and ..
Using the transformation rules of system p : Using the transformation rules of system P, prove the following argument to be valid: (~A V ~B) ⊃ C, (C V ~D) ⊃ (E V F), ~A & ~E / :. F Using the transformation rules of system P, prove the following argument to be valid: ~(A ≡ C), ~(~A V B) / :. ~C ..
Long-term psychological effects : Which 3 of the above feelings did you select? Why? For each selected feeling, answer the following questions:


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