Choose a news item that relates to marketing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131378114

Newspaper Article Assignment Choose a news item that relates to marketing. The news item should be at least 5 paragraphs long and have enough "information to enable you to summarize the article and add your own opinion to it. Do the following:

1) Print out the article (staple it to your written summary and turn it in).

2) Write a paragraph (6-7 sentences) summarizing the article. Be sure to include factual information in your summary.

3) Write a paragraph (6-7 sentences) with your opinion of the article.

You could for example discus:

a) Whether you agree/disagree with the article.

b) Did you learn anything new?

c) How does this article relate to concepts that we are learning in the course.

Reference no: EM131378114

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