Chloroplasts were previously prokaryotic cells

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133650790


Let's examine Supporting Evidence - If mitochondria and chloroplasts were previously prokaryotic cells, then they should have their own genetic material. According to the video, which cellular structures below contain DNA? (Select all that apply) No partial credit assigned.

Reference no: EM133650790

Questions Cloud

Secrete sex hormones : The female reproductive structure(s) that secrete sex hormones
Explain gene expression in simple terms : Explain gene expression in simple terms. Why do you think gene expression is important for an organism?
Should inmates be entitled to vocational training only : Should inmates be entitled to vocational training only (ex., trades that pay very well & do not require a college degree)?
In treating brain tumor with radiation : In treating a brain tumor with radiation, physicians want the maximum amount of radiation possible to bombard the tissue containing the tumors.
Chloroplasts were previously prokaryotic cells : If mitochondria and chloroplasts were previously prokaryotic cells, then they should have their own genetic material.
Illustrate how leveraging key leadership competencies impact : Illustrate how leveraging key leadership competencies could impact your ability to address the trend, issue, or challenge in a way that promotes positive change
Explain what it means to have signal amplified : Explain what it means to have a signal amplified? What is function/utility of a phosphorylation cascade or a 2nd messenger system?
Discuss how stratification can lead to inequality : Discuss how stratification can Lead to inequality.
How inmate culture becomes a part of prison life : What methods do correctional agencies use to control prison gangs? What do correctional officials do to prevent sexual assaults in prison?


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