Reference no: EM132254911
Case Study Mrs. Martin, in In re Martin, 517 N.W.2d 749 (Mich. Ct. App. 1994), wanted to withdraw her husband’s life support. Mr. Martin’s mother and sister did not wish to have Mr. Martin removed from life support, and thus wanted Mrs. Martin removed as the patient’s guardian. There was, however, sufficient evidence to show that the patient had a medical preference to decline treatment under circumstances such as those that had occurred and that the patient’s spouse was a suitable guardian. Evidence was clear that Mr. Martin would never regain sufficient decision-making capacity that would enable him to make such a decision and that his condition and cognitive level of functioning would not improve in the future. Testimony from two of Mr. Martin’s friends described statements made by him that he would never want to be maintained in a coma or in a vegetative state. In addition, Mrs. Martin described numerous statements made to her by her husband before the accident saying that he would not want to be maintained alive given the circumstances described earlier. The court of appeals found no reason to dispute the trial court’s finding as to Mrs. Martin’s credibility. There was no evidence that Mrs. Martin had anything but her husband’s best interests at heart. There were allegations, but no evidence, that financial considerations or pressure from another individual influenced Mrs. Martin’s testimony.
Answer the following questions, using APA6 style, a cover page, and references. Your case study should be over 1000 words total.
1. Did the chiropractor in this case violate his professional code of ethics? Explain your answer and give an example.
2. Describe how an individual’s personal life can impact one’s professional career.
3. As a health care administrator, how might you take steps to prevent occurrences by a chiropractor on your staff? Who might also be involved in your plan? Justify your answer.