Reference no: EM133323115
1. In all her years of teaching, Jeffrey is Mrs. Brown's greatest challenge. He is in his desk, out of his desk, under his desk, and never has a clue as to the directions she has given the class. Even with Jeffrey's desk next to Mrs. Brown's, Jeffrey is difficult to control. She wonders what he must be like at home. Which of the following describes Jeffrey's behaviour?
Borderline personality disorder
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
2. Difficulties with what abilities are experienced by children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder?
Verbal communication
Social skills
Nonverbal communication
Verbal and nonverbal communication, and social skills.
3. The dopamine hypothesis states which of the following regarding schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia occurs when there is excess activity in the areas of the brain that use dopamine as a neurotransmitter.
Schizophrenia reduces the production of dopamine to abnormally low levels.
Schizophrenia can be treated successfully with injections of extra dopamine.
Schizophrenia makes the patient crave foods that are rich in dopamine.
4. Andy has been experiencing psychotic episodes. What does this imply?
He has lost his appetite.
He has lost his sleep.
He has lost touch with reality.
He has forgotten names of his friends and family.
5. Most people hospitalized for psychological disorders suffer from which of the following?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Major depressive disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
6. Which of the following describes the hallmark characteristic of antisocial personality disorder?
Departure from reality
The absence of guilt
7. Depression is more prevalent among which of the following?
Those of higher education levels than among high school dropouts
Men than women
Adolescents than adults
Women than men
8. It was a test day, there were no oral reports due, and the class was getting ready to view a video. Regardless of the relaxed nature of the class, Baxter suddenly felt his muscles tighten and his heart rate increase as if he had had a sudden fright. It was happening again. These symptoms are typical of which of the following?
A phobia
A generalized anxiety disorder
A panic disorder
An obsession
9. Most of us respond negatively if a spider walks across our arm while we are studying, but Morgan cannot bear the thought of a spider. If she suspects that a spider lurks inside a building, she will not enter. She employs an exterminator to treat her house once a week and on occasions, more frequently. Morgan is most likely suffering from which of the following statements?
Panic attack
Compulsive disorder
10. Tan arrived home and said to his wife, ''Honey, you know how we have always wanted to be in business for ourselves? Well, today I did it! I have rented a 3000 square foot building, hired four employees, and ordered office furniture. We are in business.'' During the first three weeks, Tan was surprisingly successful. Then one morning he was so down he could not get out of bed. He stared at the ceiling day after day while his wife attempted to rescue their investment. Which of the following disorders does Tan appear to be suffering from?
Bipolar I disorder
Illusion of grandeur
Conversion disorder
11. What does research point to as a possible cause of panic attacks?
An underactive peripheral nervous system
An overactive peripheral nervous system
An underactive autonomic nervous system
An overactive autonomic nervous system
12. Jacob collects things, not cars, or baseball cards, or even beer bottles. Jacob collects everything. He cannot seem to stop picking up ''stuff'' from the street or dumpsters. If he attempts to pass by a target for collection, he is overwhelmed with tension and must return to ''make it right.'' Jacob is most likely suffering from which of the following?
A compulsion
An obsession
A phobia
13. Which of the following characterizes a personality disorder?
There is a loss of contact with reality.
There are a long-term maladaptive traits and behaviour patterns.
There are unexplained physical symptoms.
There is a severe deficit of cognitive functioning.
14. ''She appears to be high on something, but we have done a drug screen and that is not the case.'' The behaviour observed is most likely to be which of the following?
15. Which of the following describes why learned helplessness is given as an explanation for depression?
Learned helplessness and depression are caused by the environment.
Both are thought to relate to similar anomalies in the brain.
Depression is largely a response to learned helplessness when escaping from and coping with uncontrollable situations are futile.
Both have a demonstrated effect on human physiology.