Childhood obesity

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Reference no: EM132253551

For this activity, you are to combine your efforts from the Locate a Source and Thesis Topic activities to compose a three to five paragraph response to the source you acquired. Your response should successfully develop and defend the thesis statement you developed in the thesis activity.


*Childhood obesity childhood obesity has become one of the nation’s most serious health problems with several lifelong co-morbidities, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, cancer, and psychosocial burden Prevalence is greatest in lower-income and racial/ethnic minority populations as well as in communities with limited access to healthy, affordable foods or safe places to walk, bike, and play. What are three examples of health risks that an obese child might face? Physical complications Type 2 diabetes. This chronic condition affects the way your child's body uses sugar (glucose). ... Metabolic syndrome. ... High cholesterol and high blood pressure. ... Asthma. ... Sleep disorders. ... Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Can obesity be prevented? Many of the strategies that produce successful weight loss and maintenance will help prevent obesity. Improving your eating habits and increasing physical activity play a vital role in preventing obesity. Things you can do include: Eat five to six servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Causes of Childhood Obesity Causes of Childhood Obesity It is widely accepted that increase in obesity results from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure, with an increase in positive energy balance being closely associated with the lifestyle adopted and the dietary intake preferences. However, there is increasing evidence indicating that an individual's genetic background is important in determining obesity risk. Research has made important contributions to our understanding of the factors associated with obesity. The ecological model, as described by Davison et al., suggests that child risk factors for obesity include dietary intake, physical activity, and sedentary behavior The impact of such risk factors is moderated by factors such as age, gender. Family characteristics parenting style, parents’ lifestyles also play a role. Environmental factors such as school policies, demographics, and parents’ work-related demands further influence eating and activity behaviors. genetic susceptibility often needs to be coupled with contributing environmental and behavioral factors in order to affect weight.[19] The genetic factor accounts for less than 5% of cases of childhood obesity Review of the literature investigates factors behind poor diet and offers numerous insights into how parental factors may impact on obesity in children. Though many studies have shown weight gain with regular consumption of fast food, it is difficult to establish a causal relationship between fast food and obesity. Sugary beverages Sugary drinks are another factor that has been examined as a potential contributing factor to obesity. Sugary drinks are often thought of as being limited to soda, but juice and other sweetened beverages fall into this category. Many studies have examined the link between sugary drink consumption and weight and it has been continually found to be a contributing factor to being overweight. Snack foods Another factor that has been studied as a possible contributing factor of childhood obesity is the consumption of snack foods. Snack foods include foods such as chips, baked goods, and candy. Many studies have been conducted to examine whether these foods have contributed to the increase in childhood obesity. While snacking has been shown to increase overall caloric intake, no studies have been able to find a link between snacking and overweight Activity level *One of the factors that is most significantly linked to obesity is a sedentary lifestyle. Each additional hour of television per day increased the prevalence of obesity by 2% *Television viewing among young children and adolescents has increased dramatically in recent years *he increased amount of time spent in sedentary behaviors has decreased the amount of time spent in physical activity. Research which indicates the number of hours children spend watching TV correlates with their consumption of the most advertised goods, including sweetened cereals, sweets, sweetened beverages, and salty snacks *Despite difficulties in empirically assessing the media impact, other research discussed emphasizes that advertising effects should not be underestimated. Media effects have been found for adolescent aggression and smoking and formation of unrealistic body ideals. Regulation of marketing for unhealthy foods is recommended, as is media advocacy to promote healthy eating. Environmental factors While extensive television viewing and the use of other electronic media has contributed to the sedentary lifestyles, other environmental factors have reduced the opportunities for physical activity. Opportunities to be physically active and safe environments to be active in have decreased in the recent years. The majority of children in the past walked or rode their bike to school. A study conducted in 2002 found that 53% of parents drove their children to school Socio-cultural factors Socio-cultural factors have also been found to influence the development of obesity. Our society tends to use food as a reward, as a means to control others, and as part of socializing. Family factors Family factors have also been associated with the increase of cases of obesity. The types of food available in the house and the food preferences of family members can influence the foods that children eat. In addition, family mealtimes can influence the type of food consumed and the amount thereof. Lastly, family habits, whether they are sedentary or physically active, influence the child Psychological factors *Depression and anxiety *Self-esteem *Body dissatisfaction *Eating disorder symptoms *Emotional problems Conclusion The growing issue of childhood obesity can be slowed, if society focuses on the causes. There are many components that play into childhood obesity, some being more crucial than others. A combined diet and physical activity intervention conducted in the community with a school component is more effective at preventing obesity or overweight. Moreover, if parents enforce a healthier lifestyle at home, many obesity problems could be avoided. What children learn at home about eating healthy, exercising and making the right nutritional choices will eventually spill over into other aspects of their life. This will have the biggest influence on the choices kids make when selecting foods to consume at school and fast-food restaurants and choosing to be active. Focusing on these causes may, over time, decrease childhood obesity and lead to a healthier society as a whole.

Thesis Topic:

Child obesity - a rising major health concern for every country and parents of children. A problem that has awaked every nation of the world along with parents. Childhood obesity is defined as a condition in which a child is over the average weight for their age. Childhood obesity, which was once found only in developed countries, is now common in developing countries due to the rapid westernization of developing countries. The major factors that result in childhood obesity are dietary intake along with reduced energy expenditure. The likelihood of childhood obesity persisting into adulthood depends on the degree of the overweight state and the age of the child. The more obese and older the child, the greater the risk of the child remaining obese into adulthood. The prevalence of childhood obesity results in both psychological and physiological consequences for a child. Overweight in childhood has been linked to social discrimination, parental neglect and behavioral and learning problems. Obese children face problems of diabetes, high blood pressure leading to heart diseases, respiratory problems and other physiological conditions. Thus, childhood obesity is a major public health concern that needs to be tackled immediately in order to promote a healthy adult population.

Reference no: EM132253551

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