Chief Health Officer for the family

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133424462

Mother's weight can have a significant impact on the weight of their children. "We rely on women to serve as the "Chief Health Officer? for the family, but with more than a third being obese themselves, we're unlikely to break the cycle with children without finding ways for moms to overcome their weight problems as well," said Christine Ferguson, professor at The George Washington University and Director of the STOP Obesity Alliance. "What's more, achieving healthier weights for women, whether they are mothers or not, will mean a healthier society overall. Unfortunately, significant barriers stand in the way."Why is it important to address this issue? Why is it important to address this issue among your selected minority group? (choose just one minority group) What would you propose? Why? Be specific in describing your proposed intervention. (Choose at least 1 scholarly article* to use as a reference in your response. Make a scientific argument do not just state your opinion).

Reference no: EM133424462

Questions Cloud

Definition of eleven organ systems within human body : Provide a brief definition of each of the eleven organ systems within the human body,
Description of disease and disorder : Description of the disease/disorder. How is this treated? How is this disease/disorder impacted by our intake?
What are free radicals : What are free radicals, and what are sources? Discuss the types of damage that free radicals cause within the body.
Describe metabolic syndrome : Describe metabolic syndrome as discussed by Dr. Robert Lustig. What are the major issues with those classified as having metabolic syndrome?
Chief Health Officer for the family : Mother's weight can have a significant impact on the weight of their children. "We rely on women to serve as the "Chief Health Officer? for the family,
Describe briefly how blood glucose is regulated : Describe briefly how blood glucose is regulated. What happens when blood glucose rises after a meal or snack?
What is difference between saturated and unsaturated fat : What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat? What are the components of skill-related fitness?
What skinfold measurements sites are used for women : What are the guidelines for cardiorespiratory endurance? What skinfold measurements sites are used for women?
Complementary plant protein food combinations : List 3 specific pairs of complementary plant protein food combinations you could eat at a meal to get a good blend of all of the essential amino acids.


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