Check the validity of the given argument using a truth table

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM132327246

Question - Predicate Logic

(a) Formulate the following sentences as predicate logic statements. Clearly explain all symbols.

i (i) Michael is a teacher who can instruct on the subject of Science.

ii (ii) All teachers instruct on a subject but not all teachers instruct on Science.

iii (iii) Jane is a vegetarian but she is not a vegan.

iv (iv) Some of Jane's favourite foods are vegan-friendly but that does not mean she is vegan.

v (v) Spain gets sunshine and Jane does not like sunshine so Jane does not go to Spain.

(b) Check the validity of the following argument using a truth table. No marks will be awarded if you do not show all of your workings, including a truth table.

If Susan answered question 1, then Susan scored 85%

Either Tom or Susan answered question 1

Tom did not answer question 1

Therefore Susan scored 85%

(c) Given the following two premises:

a. Every Tsunami is a natural disaster

b. Some natural disasters cause loss of life

Which of the following conclusions is correct? Briefly explain your answers.

1. All natural disasters cause loss of life.

2. Some Tsunamis cause loss of life.

3. Some Tsunamis don't cause loss of life.

4. None of these validly follows.

Reference no: EM132327246

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