Check the given two paragraph and re write them

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Reference no: EM131240682

Check the given two paragraph and re-write them.

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Health Promotion Pamphlet Analysis
One of the many functions of nursing is health promotion. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health promotion is "the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health" (2015, "Health Promotion"). Nurses have many tools available to assist them with health promotion activities. Some of the most important of these are written patient education materials. These are widely used to augment oral teaching. Unfortunately, too often patients do not understand the written material because it exceeds the patients' ability to read and comprehend (DeYoung, 2009). This literacy mismatch can defeat any goal of promoting health

There are many factors that determine if patient education materials will be effective for the intended audience. It's not enough to just include accurate information. Materials must be presented in a way that reaches the literacy levels of the patients and families. The layout of the material, the readability of the text, and the overall appearance of the material all affect the patients' ability to understand and respond. Incorporating what is known about literacy levels into written education material will help health care providers communicate effectively with patients on the journey to health promotion.

Reference no: EM131240682

Questions Cloud

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