Reference no: EM131150973
Check the given Essay for grammar, style, proper transition and other features. No APA format required.
Reflective Essay
English and particular writing was my Achilles heel since the high school. I remembered to be good at math, history, biology but always straggling with English. Never developing a decent writing skill I carried that issue into my adulthood. I knew I had a problem which believe it or not has an enormous impact on my career as well as perusing by me an associate degree in general studies. My main problem was writing essays, developing a thesis, writing style, grammar and proper format. Basically everything what good essay should consists of.
In WRTG 101, I had to produce three essays. What I liked, is that before a writing process I received a classroom instruction on the college standards and hands out training exercises. Prerequisite was also to have a draft of our assignment due one week before the final assignment's due date. The process used in this course made my writing papers a gradual development and provided comment at multiple steps along the way. Receiving this feedback strengthened my ability to revise and improve my text. Writing has never been my strong outfit, and it has proven to be challenging through my academic career. The first step to improve was to choose a strong thesis.
Neither before this course nor than ability to know how to find a decent topic I didn't even have a clue what a strong thesis should consist of. This time our weekly discussion came in help to guide me in the right direction. I would be the last one to make a comment so I could see and comprehend what is expected from me, by reading other people remarks. I learned that an effective thesis cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no." A thesis is not a topic; nor is it a fact; nor is it an opinion. I was also able to learn how to support my thesis with various quotes and how to add note that on my paper properly in APA style.
Before taking WRTG 101, my biggest issue in my opinion was organizing my essay so it was clear and flowed through ideas and details fluently. The writing process was not explained to me in high school. Back then I didn't write as much as I should to develop my writing style also my teachers didn't gave my enough feedback compare to (my teacher name) who left her red ink all over my essays.
Paragraph about grammar and APA format. Add something from yourself.
Thanks to WRTG 101 I learn and understood how to improve my writing. By working on my style, expending my vocabulary and building a stronger relationship with and audience I am confident I will succeed in my academic career. One of strategies will be writing my papers in draft and then revising until I get a solid paper. I will also try to use as less as possible passing verbs to make my text less boring. Days of my long sentences are over. From now on I will be using short sentences or reword what I want to say to better communicate with a reader.