Check in check out managing hotel operations

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Reference no: EM132122391

Thses quesions are about the book 'check in check out managing hotel operations.'

Use a word processor to replicate the folio that would be produced when the Arthur Jones family checks out. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and their infant son, George, reside at 21 Craig Drive in Hampshireville, Illinois, 65065. Their reservation for three night at $125 per night plus 5% tax was guaranteed May 17 with a $200 cash (check) deposit for one night, indicating that they will arrive late. They check in at 10 PM on June 3 and take one room(1233).

a. Breakfast charge on June 4 is $12.90.

b. Mrs. Jones hosts a small luncheon meeting for her company, and a $310 charge for the meeting room and meal is posted to the folio.

c. The family decides to leave earlier than planned and notifies the desk of a 7 PM check-out.

d. A long-distance call of $8 is made.

e. The family checks out. They raise the issue of no clean linen the laundry had a wildcat strike-and argue for an allowance. One is given-$25. The rooms manager then charges 30% of the normal room charge for the late departure.

f. Payment is made with an American Express card, no.33333333333.

Reference no: EM132122391

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