CHCLEG001 - Work Legally and Ethically Assignment

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Reference no: EM132582973

CHCLEG001 - Work Legally and Ethically Assignment - Open Colleges, Australia

Part A - Short answer questions

Answer the following questions. Your responses may be recorded or presented in a written format. Written responses for each answer should be approximately 100 - 200 words in length. The written responses may be presented in narrative or bullet point format. To answer questions accurately, please use the additional resources and the course content within Open Space. Make sure to refer to applicable legislation including the National Quality Standard and Education and Care Services National Regulations, along with the Belonging, Being and Becoming - The Early Years Learning Framework, the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, policies and procedures common to early childhood education and care services, position descriptions detailing an educator's duty of care responsibilities, and/or other sources such as professional readings along with the course textbook and identified key resources.

Q1. Complete the table below by outlining how the components of the National Quality Framework (NQF) listed influence educators practice, in an education and care setting.

Key components of the National Quality Framework (NQF)

1. Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

2. National Quality Standards

3. The Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Q2. Please include responses to points A & B

A) In your own words, define 'duty of care'

B) Complete the table below by explaining two ways you could exercise your duty of care in an education and care setting, in relation to the situations described.


1. when setting up the indoor environment

2. at snack and meal times

3. When supervising outdoor play.

Q3. Instructions - For this question, please refer to the resource kit activity in your learner guide in 3.1 Identify situations where work practices could be improved to meet legal and ethical responsibilities and 3.3 Identify and take opportunities to contribute to the review and development of policies and protocols.

A. Explain why it is important for educators to understand the policies and procedures of their workplace

B. (i) How often should policies and procedures be reviewed?

(ii) Who is involved in the review of the policies and procedures?

(iii) Why do we consult with others when reviewing the policies and procedures of the service?

C. Explain the procedure for reviewing policies and procedures. In your answer consider:

- who should be involved in the policy review

- how you can contribute to the review.

4. (i) Explain the process you would follow to make an ethical decision.

(ii) Identify and cite 2 sources relevant to your work role that would guide you in making responsible ethical decisions in your work role.

Q5. Complete the following table by outlining your legal and ethical responsibilities and obligations for each of the situations presented.

The first situation, a child with mild Asperger's has been done as an example:

- a child with same sex parents

- a child with a severe disability

- a child whose family does not speak English at home.

Q6. Describe four (4)behavioural indicators you might observe, as an educator that could indicate that a child is being abused or maltreated.

Q7. What four (4) strategies would you use to manage a child protection issue such as suspected abuse of a child?

Q8. When dealing with a possible child abuse situation, why is confidentiality important for the child and the child's family?

Q9. Describe three (3) ways that you can uphold the rights of a child in your care, in keeping with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Part B - Case studies

Consider the following situations and explain what you would do and why. (100-200 words) To help you explain what you would do and why, you may refer to applicable legislation including the National Quality Standard and Education and Care Services National Regulations, along withthe Belonging, Being and Becoming - The Early Years Learning Framework, the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, policies and procedures common to early childhood education and care services, position descriptions detailing an educator's duty of care responsibilities, and/or other sources such as professional readings along with the course textbook and identified key resources.

Case Study 1 -

1. Imagine that you are an educator in a family day care setting supervising the three children in the photograph.

Describe, in the table, what you would do to meet your legal and ethical obligations to these children playing in the water trough in the back yard and who you would report these to.

Case Study 2 -

A mother asks you that her children not be released into the care of their father. You review the information provided upon enrolment and see that a formal parenting plan has been provided to the service which list both parents as eligible carers.

A. Where would this confidential information be stored?

B. How would you respond to this situation?

Case Study 3 -

A father makes a complaint to you that his 4 ½ year old, Jacob, is not learning enough at the service. He is frustrated that the educators let him get dirty during the day when they could be ensuring he is ready for school. What would you do and why?

Case Study 4 -

You have a disagreement with a co-worker where you work. The problem has been left unresolved, and is now impacting your interactions and daily communication with each other leading to further misunderstandings and frustration. What would you do and why?

Case Study 5 -

You are friends with a co-worker on a social networking site. Over the past few weeks you have noticed posts on her page about other staff where you work. These posts are derogatory and inappropriate.

A. How would you respond to the actions of your co-worker? What would be the appropriate action to take?

B. What could you do to educate staff about appropriate social media behaviour? What 2 simple actions you would take to inform your team about appropriate social media behaviours?

Case Study 6 -

An email has been sent out by the service manager asking everyone to come in early on Monday's for the next 4 weeks to take part in training as part of your continuing professional education. Later that day you are speaking to a co-worker who is not normally rostered on Mondays yet she has been instructed that she must attend. As Mondays are the only day that you can't organise someone to take your child to school you have already discussed this with the service manager and she has agreed you can catch up with this training later in the week.

This is an ethical dilemma for you. What would you tell your co-worker and why?

Case Study 7 -

A 3 ½ year old boy, Ghani, who attends the service has an arm with a birth defect. His mother has asked that he doesn't join in any games where catching is involved, as she doesn't want him to fail and feel hurt or discouraged.

You will need to discuss the dignity of risk with the mother. Describe what you would say to assist Ghani's mother to understand the service's practice here.

In your response, ensure you explain why Dignity of Risk is the educational practice we follow and how this will benefit her son.

Case Study 8 -

A father tells you that his newly enrolled 2-year-old daughter, Alyssa, is a 'biter' and gives you permission to smack her if she bites a child. What would you do and why?

Case Study 9 -

You are assisting a 3-year-old boy, Barry, with toileting when you notice bruising on his thighs. When asked what happened, Barry looks at the ground. On taking a closer look, you see that bruising also appears on his back and upper torso. The bruises are of different colour, some are yellow and brown, where others are more red and purple. It seems they are similar in shape and size. What would you do and why?

Reference no: EM132582973

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CHCLEG001 - Work Legally and Ethically Assignment : CHCLEG001 - Work Legally and Ethically Assignment Help and Solution - Open Colleges, Australia - Assessment Writing Service
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