CHCECE020 Plans for Developing Cooperative Behaviour

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Reference no: EM132466549

CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

CHCECE020 Establish and implement plans for developing cooperative behaviour

CHCECE021 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children

TITLE: Children's behaviour and inclusion


1. Access a copy of the NQF (National Law & National Regulations), the NQS, and the EYLF. Identify two (2) relevant sections/standards/elements/principles/practices/outcomes of the NQF, NQS, and the EYLF that relate to:

Developing cooperative behaviour plans.

Strategies for the inclusion of all children.

Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children.

2. For each age group shown below, list one (1) behaviour expectation and one (1) strategy to support that behaviour.

Infants (0 - 12 months)

Babies (12 - 24 months)

Toddlers (2 - 3 years)

Preschoolers (4 - 5 years)

"Educators avoid reinforcing inappropriate/undesirable behaviour. For example, they might ignore the behaviour if there are no direct or immediate dangers associated with the behaviour. Alternatively, they might remove children who are behaving inappropriately from situations that have triggered that behaviour."

3. In approximately 200-250 words, reflect upon and describe how your own values impact upon your viewpoint and attitude towards appropriate and inappropriate behaviours in Early Childhood Education and care environments.

Guidance: Describe your own stance on, and attitude towards appropriate and inappropriate behaviours. You may consider questions such as:

What do you think is appropriate and what isn't? Why?

What do you consider to be correct methods for encouraging appropriate behaviour and discouraging inappropriate behaviour? Why?

Consider your cultural or family norms, and how your family's child-rearing practices may differ from that of others. You may also wish to refer to specific appropriate and/or inappropriate behaviours in your answer.

4. Different family styles of discipline and beliefs about behaviour in different cultures and social groups affect you in your role as an educator at an Early Childhood Education and Care centre.

a) Explain how you may be affected within your role.

b) Describe one (1) approach to minimising the negative effects of cultural difference.

c) Describe two (2) cultural/family differences in relation to styles of discipline and beliefs about behaviour.

Guidance: You refer to the Child Care in Cultural Context study to inform your response.

5. Describe two (2) relationship-based strategies you can use to help children learn about behaviour.

6. Behaviours of concern.

a) List two (2) different factors that can contribute to a child's behaviours of concern.

b) Why is it important to identify the factors that contribute to behaviours of concern?

7. When developing behaviour management plans for children, you will need to consider the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC).

Explain in your own words how each of the following will affect your approach to developing behaviour management plans:

a) Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics

b) United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC)

Guidance: Identify specific parts of the Code of Ethics and CROC that will affect your approach, and explain how you will incorporate these into the development of behaviour management plans.

8. Which regulations, legislation, and workplace practices relate to inclusion of all children in an Early Childhood Education and Care centre and what programs are available in your state to provide assistance to meeting the inclusion and professional support needs of child care and early learning services?

9. Autism spectrum disorder. In your role as an educator, you may identify children with a range of additional needs. Each will affect the way you ensure all children are included in your care and planned activities.

a) Briefly define Autism spectrum disorder.

b) Describe two (2) strategies that may help encourage a child with Autism to participate in activities.

10. Attention deficit disorder. In your role as an educator, you may identify children with a range of additional needs. Each will affect the way you ensure all children are included in your care and planned activities.

a) Briefly define attention deficit disorder.

b) Describe two (2) strategies that may help encourage a child with attention deficit disorder to participate in activities.

11. Illness and health conditions. In your role as an educator, you may identify children with a range of additional needs. Each will affect the way you ensure all children are included in your care and planned activities.

a) Describe two (2) different illnesses/health conditions that may result in a child having additional needs.

b) Describe two (2) strategies that may encourage participation of a child with an illness/health condition and help you ensure he or she is included.

12. Family circumstances and needs. In your role as an educator, you may identify children with a range of additional needs. Each will affect the way you ensure all children are included in your care and planned activities.

a) Describe one (1) possible additional need of a child who has recently arrived from a non-English speaking country, and speaks limited English.

b) Describe one (1) strategy that may help to encourage participation and inclusion of this child.

c) Describe one (1) possible additional need of a child whose family is experiencing very difficult and stressful circumstances.

Guidance: Consider circumstances such as an ongoing divorce, a recent death in the immediate family or the illness of a family member.

d) Describe one (1) strategy that may help to encourage participation and inclusion of this child, and help them to feel safe, secure and supported.

13. Physical, sensory, and developmental disability. In your role as an educator, you may identify children with a range of additional needs. Each will affect the way you ensure all children are included in your care and planned activities.

a) Briefly define cerebral palsy.

b) Describe two (2) strategies that may help you ensure a child with cerebral palsy is included.

c) Describe one (1) sensory impairment that might create additional needs for a child.

d) Describe two (2) strategies that may help encourage participation and inclusion of a child with cerebral palsy.

14. Describe three (3) strategies commonly used in a centre to involve family members in the service.

15. Joyce Epstein developed a theory about the different types of involvement between educators and parents.

a) Describe two (2) types of involvement according to Joyce Epstein.

b) Select one (1) standard from the NQS, and explain how it relates to the two types of involvement you described above. Be specific.

16. In addition to Epstein, there are a number of other theories about the value of family-educator relationships. Each can help us understand the value of creating a strong partnership with families, in order to provide better quality education and care.

a) Briefly describe the attachment theory.

b) How would you incorporate the human ecology theory into developing your centre's programs and materials?

c) How would you incorporate the family systems theory into developing your centre's programs and materials?

17. Access the Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre intranet site using this link: Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre

Provide the name of the policy & procedure and website link related to:

a) Behaviour of children

b) Inclusion of children

c) Induction to the service


For this project, you will need to develop and implement one (1) Behaviour Support Plan for a child attending your vocational work placement.

Before beginning this project, discuss with your supervisor which child requiring support would be best to observe and to develop a behaviour support plan for. Discuss with your supervisor whether a "Permission to Observe" form will be necessary. If it is, ensure you complete the form from the service with the parent/guardian of the child before starting with the project. Submit this requirement to your assessor together with your assessment.

Task 1: Identify and review behaviour

A. Gather relevant information to establish a baseline of the child's behaviour.

Step 1: Undertake a background assessment by reviewing relevant files and applicable information related to the child's behaviour. These may include:

family background and/or information

family structure and culture

health records/issues

developmental delays

earlier behaviour assessments or management plans

discipline records

attendance records

academic records

support/influences outside of school

Step 2: Write a summary of your review and include information relevant to the child's behaviour. Use the Background Assessment section of the Behaviour Management Plan template for the summary. Be as comprehensive as possible in writing your summary.

B. Discuss incidents and concerns with appropriate people

Step 1: Conduct an interview with the at least two (2) people in the centre who are involved in the caring of the child and may be able assist you in identifying the target behaviour, as well as the causes, consequences and/or environmental factors that may be influencing the child's behaviour.

The following questions will serve as your guide in conducting the interview:

Describe the behaviour that is causing most concern.

Is the behaviour a safety concern to self or others? If yes, please explain.

When and where is the behaviour most likely and least likely to happen?

With whom is the behaviour most likely to occur?

With whom is the behaviour least likely to occur?

What activities are most and least likely to produce the behaviour (e.g., task duration, preferred or non-preferred, difficult or easy, novel or familiar, boring or stimulating)?

Are there particular situations or events not listed above that sometimes seem to "set off" the behaviour, such as particular demands, noises, lights, clothing, people, etc.?

Describe the ways the child is able to verbally or nonverbally ask for assistance.

Does the child respond appropriately to requests or instructions (how simple or complex are the requests/instructions)?

Is the child aware of the implications of his/her actions?

What are the things (e.g., food items, objects, activities, people, etc.) the child likes and are reinforcing for him or her?

Step 2: Summarise the information you gathered from the interviews. Write it in bullet point form in the Assessment Interview section of the template.

Step 3: Request your interviewees to review your summary and ask them to sign it off.

C. Observe child's behaviour

Step 1: Observe and analyse the child's behaviour on at least three (3) different activities in the centre that the child is involved in. During your observation, also scan the environment for possible influences on behaviour. You may also need to look at the centre's curriculum for other influences.

Step 2: After observing the child in different situations and/or contexts, identify triggers/warning signs, behaviour of the child and the consequence of the behaviour.

Step 3: Record your observations in the Event Sample (Observation) section of the template:

Setting of the activity

Antecedent - these are the triggers, warning signs


Consequence of the behaviour, include the frequency of the behaviour (how often or how long)

Be as specific as possible in recording the triggers, behaviour and consequence(s).

D. Reflect and analyse the child's behaviour

Step 1: Analyse the data you have gathered from the background assessment, interviews and observations undertaken. Identify the target behaviours and rank them according to priority. Provide the known warning signs and triggers of impending behaviours for each identified target.

Step 2: Record these in the Behaviours In Need of Support section of the template.

Task 2: Develop a behaviour management plan

Step 1: Before developing the plan which will support the child's behaviour, review the service's philosophy and policies and ensure that you will develop the plan in accordance to these.

Step 2: Present your analysis and consult colleagues, family members and others who may be caring for the child. Discuss with them about options on how to respond to the child's behaviour. Follow the service's policy and procedure with regard to consultation with family members.

Step 3: Based on the consultation, identify one (1) long-term and at least two (2) short-term objectives of the behaviour management plan. Make sure these objectives are developed according to the child's abilities, age and developmental stage. Take note that your objectives must be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound).

Step4: For each of the ranked target behaviour, provide preventive strategies and techniques to be implemented in anticipation of known triggers.

Step 5: Clearly outline replacement/alternative behaviours. Keep in mind that your strategies and techniques must be specific and must assist the child to learn the replacement behaviour and unlearn the less acceptable behaviour.

Step 6: Specify person or persons responsible for the implementation of the identified preventive strategies and techniques. If possible, be specific and use staff member's names rather than their position/designation.

Step 7: Record the resources (i.e., specific persons, learning resources, material resources, etc.) that are needed for the implementation of the identified strategies and techniques. Resources may also include referral bodies and appropriate authorities to whom you could liaise or seek advice necessary if the child's behaviour is extreme or out of the ordinary.

Step 8: Identify the intervention timeline-how long will the strategy be in place; when will it begin and when will it end.

Guidance: Your timeline should be based on your length of stay in the placement. Make sure that the timeline you will provide will enable you to monitor and review the result of the plan.

Step 9: All throughout the development of the plan, ensure that the plan is realistic and that resources are available. Also make sure that the plan considers relevant cultural practices and values for responding to behaviour.

Step 10: Fill out the Behaviour Management Plan section of the template and answer the succeeding questions on Good Behaviour Recognition and Consequences. Your answers to the questions should be parallel to the preventive strategies and techniques that you have provided in the plan.

After you have completed your plan, answer the follow up questions below. These questions will assist you in determining whether you have thoroughly developed the plan in accordance to the steps and requirements provided.

Task 2 Follow up Questions -

1) Briefly describe the service's philosophy and policies on developing a plan and providing behaviour management to children.

2) Explain the consultation that you had with colleagues, family members and others who are involved in caring for the child. The following must be reflected in your explanation:

Their recommendations about options on how to respond to the child's behaviour.

The service's policy and procedure with regard to consultation with family members.

3) Describe how you developed the behaviour management plan in relation to the child's abilities, age, and developmental stage.

4) Explain how you ensured that the plan is realistic and that resources are available.

5) Describe how you considered and respected family expectations and their cultural values in the development of the plan.

Task 3- Implement and monitor the behavioural plan

Step 1: Implementation

Implement your plan in coordination with your colleagues. Inform all those involved in implementing and reinforcing the plan of its rationale, limitations and strategies developed. Provide support and assistance to everyone involved to ensure that the plan is implemented effectively and consistently.

All throughout the implementation ensure that you support the child so that he/she understands the specific expectations for his/her behaviour. Minimise as far as possible, factors that may lead to or maintain inappropriate behaviour.

Make sure your vocational work placement supervisor is able to witness and observe you complete this project as you will be requesting his or her signature to confirm your successful completion this task in the workplace.

To document your supervisor's confirmation, have your supervisor complete the Project 1: Observation Form found in the Sparkling Stars website.

Request him or her to sign off the supervisor declaration after you have completed this task.

Step 2: Monitor and review the behaviour plan

Monitor and review the child's behaviour against the plan. Modify the plan where necessary in consultation with colleagues, family members and others caring for the child. Follow the service's policy and procedure with regard to consultation with family members.

Complete the Review and Monitoring section of the Behaviour Management Plan template. Request your supervisor to sign off the plan.


For this project, you will need to investigate, research, review policies, procedures and practices, and interview people in your vocational placement in order to successfully complete the tasks. Document and provide all the information being required for each task component.

This project is divided into two task:

1. Promote inclusion

2. Respect diversity

Task 1- Promote Inclusion

1. Review the service's philosophy, policies and practices or interview your nominated supervisor to be able to complete the table below.

What is the service's philosophy regarding inclusion, equity and diversity?

Obtain a copy of the service's policies and highlight the areas relating to inclusion, equity and diversity. Submit the copy with your highlights and provide the filename.

Briefly describe how the service put into practice their philosophy and policies relating to inclusion, equity and diversity.

2. Interview an early childhood educator in your vocational work placement and ask him or her to describe the service's practice on ensuring that curriculum decisions are made with a view to promoting inclusion and participation of all children.

Guidance: Ask the educator to describe the process they underwent in making curriculum decisions and making sure that it supports inclusion of all children attending the service.

Briefly describe the educator's response below.

3. Observe the daily activities and practices in the centre aimed to promote inclusion. List at least three (3) practices which you think are equitable and effective in ensuring that all children have opportunities to achieve learning outcomes. Explain why each practice is equitable and effective.

4. Reflect on your interactions with children and their families in the service. List five (5) actions that you have done during your vocational work placement that demonstrates your belief in children's capacity to succeed. Be as specific as possible in your enumeration.

5. To be able to promote inclusion, you have to develop your professional knowledge and work in partnership with families, communities and other services and agencies.

List two (2) ways you can develop your professional knowledge regarding inclusion.

List ways on how you can work in partnership with families, communities and other services and agencies (one for each).

Task 2 - Respect diversity

1. Describe a specific time in your vocational work placement where you valued different capacities and abilities, and respected differences in families' home lives.

2. Briefly explain the importance of creating a learning environment that respects diversity and provides opportunities for children to explore diversity and its contribution to the richness of society.

3. Recall and describe a time in your vocational placement when you provided children with opportunities to explore the richness of diversity.

4. Describe how you, as an early childhood educator, uphold all children's rights so that their cultures, identities, abilities and strengths are acknowledged and valued in curriculum decision making in the service.

Guidance: You may refer to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) when answering this question.


For this project, you will need to develop and implement one (1) Inclusion Support Plan for a child attending your vocational work placement.

Before beginning this project, discuss with your supervisor which child with additional needs would be best to observe and to develop an inclusion support plan for.

Discuss with your supervisor whether a "Permission to Observe" form will be necessary. If it is, ensure you complete the form from the service with the parent/guardian of the child before starting with the project. Submit this requirement to your assessor together with your assessment.

Task 1 - Develop a plan for support and inclusion

A. Investigate a child's barrier to learning

Step 1: Investigate the child's barrier(s) to learning. Barriers include environmental, attitudinal and individual challenges that the child faces. Review relevant files and conduct short interviews with people in the centre who are involved in the care of the child to be able to gather relevant and current information and establish the child's background, which may include:

Family information, including cultural background

Health needs

Services accessed by the child

Child's strengths, interest and abilities

Additional needs

Step 2: Use data gathered to form an accurate and holistic understanding of the child's barrier to learning and his or her needs. Summarised the information gathered in the Background Information section of the Inclusion Support

Plan and fill out the sub-sections.

Also, include a brief description of the investigation you have undertaken, i.e., Who are the people consulted? What are the files reviewed? Etc.

B. Develop a plan for support and inclusion

Step 1: Based on the background information you have gathered, set at least two (2) goals that are realistic and achievable within the time the child is in the service. In setting the goals, consider the child's abilities, his or her personal goals, interests and health status in the context of the child's cultural values, needs and requirements.

Step 2: Once you have set the goals, consult with other professionals and the family in designing strategies to meet the child's needs, address the identified barriers and achieve the goals. Each goal must have a set of strategies to be implemented.

Determine who should be responsible for the implementation of the strategies. Follow the service's policy and procedure with regard to consultation with family members.

All throughout the consultation ensure that communication occurs within a culturally and linguistically responsive framework.

Step 3: Identify the resources available in the service, as well as additional resources needed for the implementation of strategies.

C. Review and suggest adaptations to service delivery to meet the needs of the child

Step 4: Describe how the service adapt its environment and routines to provide inclusion and support of children. Review the service's procedures and/or practices on inclusion and suggests how these procedures and/or practices can be made more specific to ensure the inclusion of the child.

Include in your suggestions additional resources or sources of information that will assist early childhood educators in developing and adapting the centre's curriculum to meet the child's additional needs.

Guidance: Additional resources or sources of information are those that cannot be provided within the existing resources available to the centre and may be sought from other support service providers or inclusion support funding programs.

Complete the Inclusion Support Plan section of the template.

Task 2 - Implement strategies to meet the child's additional needs

Implement the strategies in your inclusion support plan. During implementation, examine strategies that may or may not work and trial strategies that may address the barriers.

In implementing the strategies ensure that you:

Support the child's entry into the service

Respond to the daily needs of the child with additional needs and seek assistance as required

Communicate with and provide support to others to implement the strategies

Encourage others to adopt inclusive attitudes and practices

Closely monitor new strategies and the impact of these on the child

Make sure your vocational work placement supervisor is able to witness and observe you complete this project as you will be requesting his or her signature to confirm your successful completion this task in the workplace.

Task 3 - Monitor and reviews strategies

Step 1: Monitor and review the strategies that are in place by identifying issues of concern and any barriers to the strategies being implemented. All throughout the implementation until the review of strategies, constantly reflect on the effectiveness of the plan and its impact on the child. Think about the level of support provided to the child, respond and adjust accordingly if the support being provided is not yet satisfactory.

Step 2: Identify whether there is an urgent need to contact a professional and/or a specialist for consultation and referral. This urgency should be based on the progress of the child. Report this urgency to your nominated supervisor as you need to seek and gain the family permission prior to consulting with others regarding the child.

Step 3: Record your monitoring in the Monitoring and Review section of the template. Answer all the questions as specific as you can.

Step 4: Share information about the child's progress among all those concerned by presenting and discussing with at least one (1) staff in the centre that cares for the child and your supervisor. Ask them to sign off the plan after the discussion.

Step 5: Answer the follow up questions below and submit your completed Inclusion Support Plan together with this workbook.

Task 3 Follow up Questions -

1) An early childhood educator, describe how you can establish and maintain constant information exchange with family and appropriate community members about the child's needs and care strategies?

2) Describe how you can you ensure that communication occurs within a culturally and linguistically responsive framework.

Attachment:- Early Childhood Education and Care Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132466549

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