Reference no: EM132667633
CHCECE007 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children - Job Training Institute
Assessment 1
Short Questions
1. Each of the strategies listed below demonstrate effective interaction techniques Educators use when responding to and communicating with babies and toddlers.
a. In the table below, match each scenario to the strategy the Educator is using.
b. Each of the strategies listed below demonstrate effective interaction techniques Educators use when expanding communication and sustaining conversations with toddlers.
In the table below, match each scenario to the strategy the Educator is using.
2. Write what you could say in response to the following children's attempts to communicate with you.
1. Rewrite each question so that it's an open-ended question, inviting more than a single word response.
2. Match each of the following Educator strategies with how it supports the development of positive relationships.
3. The following photographs show children engaged in typical play experiences.
For each experience write one open-ended question and one suggestion that could be used to encourage continued conversation/interaction.
4. Look carefully at the examples of Educator's engaging with children in their play and answer the related questions.
i. James
The Educator is encouraging James to look closely at the picture of the puzzle before attempting to complete it. The Educator asks James a series of questions as they explore the picture of the Eiffel Tower. The Educator refers to colours, shapes, outline, lines, top, bottom and sides.
Explain how the interaction will assist James to formulate a plan to complete the puzzle.
ii. Cooper
The Educator is playing alongside Cooper. The Educator has taken on the role of doctor and is examining the doll who Cooper says needs an operation on her head.
Educator: "I'll just listen to her heartbeat with the stethoscope. Mmm, not sounding too good. I think you may be right Cooper. She may need an operation. Have you checked her temperature?"
Explain how the Educator in is supporting Cooper's ideas and learning in this role-play situation?
iii. Asher
The Educator leans in to listen to Asher share his ideas about the story which she has just read to the children.
Explain how the Educator is demonstrating respect for Asher's contribution to the story?
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iv. Tick the four statements that describe the Educator interactions in the above series of photos.
5. Quality Area 6 of the National Quality Standards provides educators with guidelines and instruction on how to establish and maintain effective relationships with children and families and how to reflect the culture and practices of their local community.
Read the following Standards and identify what each standard aims to achieve?
6. For each of the following examples, suggest an appropriate Educator response.
7. List five considerations Educators should make when organising the environment,spaces and resources in a manner which will reduce children's stress and frustration?
8. List five daily management strategies Educators can use to support social behaviour and help prevent children's stress and frustration.
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9. Name the standard that relates to children's behaviour in The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia - Belonging, Being and Becoming, Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2009).
Guide to the National Quality Standard, ACECQA (2011).
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In reference to the EYLF name the Learning Outcome and Indicator that relates to Children's behaviour?
10. Read each scenario and select the most appropriate Educator response to support the toddlers' emotional development.
11. The strategies listed below are some of the ways we can guide children's behaviour positively. For each strategy briefly explain, in your own words, what each one means.
12. How can you communicate positively with children at mealtimes?
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13. How can you encourage children to respect similarities and differences between each other?
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14. To assist you with these tasks question go to your text and refer to readings:
• Education and Care Services National Regulations, Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (2011).
- See p.163: Part 4.5 - Relationships with Children; Regulation 155 Interactions with children and 156 Relationships in groups
a. List the five guidelines given in relation to how services provide care and education for children in Regulation 155: Interactions with children.
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b. What instruction is given in Regulation 156: Relationships in groups?
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15. To complete this task go to your text and refer to the following reading:
• Guiding Children's Behaviour in Positive Ways, National Childcare Accreditation Council (2006).
Read each statement and:
i. Suggest the most appropriate Educator response (you may choose more than one) from the list below.
ii. Give a reason for your choice of strategy - you should draw on your knowledge of child development.
Assessment 2 - Case Studies
Case Study 1
a) How were the interactions between the children and the Educator initiated?
b) What information (knowledge) did the Educator provide the children during this interaction?
c) How did the Educator sustain the interaction?
Case Study 2
Read the scenario below and answer the related questions.
i. What does the Educator do to make every child feel ‘special' and included?
ii. How does the Educator engage the children in the story time session?
iii. Explain why the Educator does not ask Milly to sit down but allows her to stand nearby?
iv. The Educator has a system which allows each child in turn to suggest a song/rhyme for the group to sing. How does this support the children's sense of belonging?
Case study/Scenario 3
1. Identify the quality practices being used by Lisa and the staff at this centre?
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2. What do you think Lisa would do next in this discussion?
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3. Research and identify the benefits from this type of approach to behaviour management.
Case study /Scenario 4
Read the above scenario and comment on whether the Educator's response was good or not and why?
Case study/scenario 5 - Zara
Read the above scenario and comment on whether the Educator's response was good or not and why?
Assessment 8 - Simulation
The following simulation is to be completed in class in an environment that represents the workplace. You will be paired/grouped with fellow students and your trainer will assess you performing the simulation. If not satisfactorily completed, you will have the opportunity to repeat the simulation. Discuss with your partner/group how you are going to fulfil the roles (in bold) in the scenario given. This is a class observation and your trainer will assess your abilities and use the checklist below to record their observations.
Simulation 1
The Educator lifts Ollie up above her head. "Hello beautiful boy." Ollie laughs, "You like that don't you. You like being up in the air!"
The Educator sits Ollie on her lap and continues to talk to him. "Your mummy said you kept her awake all night. Ollie laughs. Oh you think that was funny do you Ollie? I don't think mummy thought it was funny. Did you have a pain in your tummy Ollie? You'll have to have a big sleep today so that you're nice and relaxed tonight."
As the Educator talks to Ollie she pauses, waits for him to respond and then continues. As she is talking Ollie babbles and smiles at the Educator.
"Look Ollie here's the caterpillar. You like the caterpillar don't you. It makes crunchy sounds."
Ollie becomes upset.
Write a 250 words Reflective Summary on "Develop positive and respectful relationships with children". It will help you make a connection between what you are taught in theory and what you need to practice.
Attachment:- Develop positive and respectful relationships with children.rar