Chcece003 provide care for children assignment

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Reference no: EM132917295

CHCECE003 Provide care for children

Part A

1. Complete the following table using the documents listed.

What part/s of this document are relevant to providing care for children?

List the title and any codes/numbers Describe one practice or event you can complete with children that meets with this section of the document.

What part/s of this document are relevant to providing care for children?

List the title and any codes/numbers Describe one practice or event you can complete with children that meets with this section of the document.

United Nation's Convention of the Rights of the Child

Workplace policy manual (Please access this manual in the approved workplace you are completing your on the job assessment in. Ask your supervisor if you are unsure)

Early Childhood
Australia's Code of Ethics

The Approved Learning Framework for used in your workplace
Eg The Early Years Learning Framework
National Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines

The National Quality Standards

2. You are to engage in one day of observation in an Approved Service (ACECQA) to find out the following "What does an Educator do in a day to provide care for children?"
The list of events you are to take particular note of are listed on the table on the following page. As you observe these events, you are to pay particular note of...
• What did the Educator do?
• What did the child/children do?
• What equipment/resources were used?
If you are unable to observe any the events/tasks, talk to the Educator about what happens during these events/tasks or observe these tasks at a later time.

a) Assisting a child who has difficulty separating from their family
b) Supporting appropriate hand hygiene
c) Managing toileting accidents
d) Supervising and interacting with children eating and drinking
e) Protecting children from the sun
f) Use of lighting, ventilation and fresh air

Part B of Assessment

For this project, you will be required to work closely with three children who you have selected in consultation with your supervisor. Each of these children will be known as a "focus child" for this assessment and should be of a different age.

Prior to commencing, you must have parental permission to work with each child on the form provided. You may work with the same children you have in previous assessments without obtaining additional permission. A blank permission form is provided in pages to follow to duplicate and provide to families.

Please remember this assessment will need to be completed over a period of 120 hours of workplace practice, so please ensure that this time frame is considered when deciding on the children and their attendance patterns. Competency for other units may also be demonstrated during this timeframe. See the "Instructions for on the job assessment" for more information.

1. Once you have parental permission, spend time with each focus child to get to know them. This step should not be rushed as the more you know about the child and the more comfortable they feel with you, the more easily you will be able to provide care for them during your assessment. Once you know each focus child well, complete the following tables with the information you have gathered:

Child 1 Name: Age
Attendance details
eg group, days, times
Family background including culture:
Interests and likes:
Eating and drinking needs
Clothing needs and preferences:
Nappy changing and/or toileting needs:
List the skills you have seen the child exhibit in the following areas:
Self help skills
Physical skills
Emotional skills

2. Now you have a good understanding of the workplace practice (as documented in Part A), you are require to practice these in the service while meeting the needs of the three focus children (as documented in Part B1). This will involve you fulfilling the care requirements and routines for each child in a group context for routines such as assisting to provide food, drink, toileting and/or nappy changes, clothing and sun protection. As you become more competent with these, you will be assessed on your ability to implement these during Part C and D of this assessment.
You will also need to complete the following tasks with one or more of the focus children you are working with for this project. When you have completed the task, describe what you did and how you did this in the boxes below.
a) Supported the child's emotional needs and feelings (such as respond to feelings openly, appropriately and with respect)
b) Promoted a child's physical activity and encouraged participation
c) Interacted with the child to discuss physical health and well being
d) Provided an opportunity to challenge the child and/or promote appropriate risk taking.
e) Supported the child through a transition or change
f) Engage with children in developing their own play settings or environments

Instructions for on the job assessment

Approved workplaces
On the Job assessment must be completed in an approved workplace as follows:
• Early Childhood Education and Care qualifications: ACECQA approved service enrolling children from 0-5 years eg Long Day Care, Family Day Care
• Education Support qualifications: Regulated school, Kindergarten
Any tasks completed in a workplace that does not meet the above criteria will not be assessed for this unit unless written permission has been sought from ACCCO prior to the commencement of assessment.
Roles and responsibilities of the workplace supervisor and mentor
The role of the workplace supervisor is to mentor and assess the student completing this unit. This role is a very valuable one and should not be taken lightly. Not only does it support the development of student skills, but also pays a vital role in supporting the learning of professionals of the future.
The supervisor may be any person working within the workplace that can work closely with the student and holds a qualification equal to or higher than the qualification the student is studying. Where the service does not have a person who meets this criteria, please contact the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor for guidance.
The skills the student is to achieve are outlined on the Supervisor Report. This may be used as a basis for directing the student's learning journey prior to assessment taking place. While ACCCO assumes responsibility for training the student on theoretical components of the unit, the supervisor's role provides the link between theory and day-to-day practice in a workplace. Supervisors can provide this learning by...
• being a role model for student by demonstrating the skills required, providing a range of examples of typical practice;
• providing learning opportunities to students such as including them in discussions about why things have occurred, or what the plans are (for example, working with a child's behaviour or for a program experience)
• providing opportunity for students to practice their skills in the workplace; and
• providing feedback to the student so they can continue their learning journey.
Where there are clear gaps in the student's knowledge for this unit, and/or where the student is not making satisfactory progress to learning and achieving the skills required, the workplace supervisor should make immediate contact with the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor, or ACCCO head office.
Please note: The ACCCO Trainer/Assessor will generally consult with the workplace supervisor for the preparation of the Observation Report to gain a full understanding of the student's overall performance in the workplace.

Part D
Instructions for the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor
Please use observation of student in practice at an Approved Workplace, as well as Part B and Part C of this assessment as evidence for determining competence.

Performance evidence
Through assessment task B and observation there is evidence following the has been demonstrated with three children:
Promoting physical activity and encouraging participation
Engaging children in discussions around physical health and wellbeing

Adapting the physical environment to ensure challenge and appropriate risk-taking

Ensuring the smooth transition of new arrivals
Supporting children through transition / change

Demonstrated skills
Supporting physical care
The student demonstrates the ability to complete the following to industry standards while caring for children:
Supports the child's development (developmentally appropriate, supports independence)
Respects their family background and beliefs
Protects and supports the child's emotional well-being (responding to feelings, respectful relationships)
Is safe and hygienic (hand washing, sun protection)
Provides for the child to learn (how their bodies work, physical health and wellbeing)

The student promotes physical activity
The student demonstrates the ability to complete the following to industry standards:
Providing and promoting movement and physical experiences
Participating with children
Encouraging their involvement/participation according to their development/level of comfort

The student helps and supports children with transitions and change
The student demonstrates the ability to complete the following to industry standards:
Preparing children in a supportive and timely manner
Developing meaningful routines
Supporting children's emotional security
Supporting children to separate effectively from families (smooth transitions, support strategies)

The student assists in adapting facilities to ensure access and participation
The student demonstrates the ability to complete the following to industry standards:
Providing challenging elements which scaffold children's learning and development
Offering appropriate risks, and risk taking
Providing an appropriate environment with a balance of natural and artificial lighting, good ventilation and fresh air
Engaging with children to construct their own play settings/environments
Creating environments which stimulate and reflect children's interests
Providing challenging elements which scaffold children's learning and development

Attachment:- Provide care for children.rar

Reference no: EM132917295

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