CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People Assignment

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Reference no: EM132400033

CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People Assignment

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing - Southern Cross Education Institute, Australia

Assessment Task 1: Research Task

1. Provide a definition of the concept of diversity.

2. Diversity means more than just acknowledging and/or tolerating difference. Identify and briefly explain three (3) characteristics of someone who is implementing the conscious practice of diversity into their work practices.

3. Provide a description of the following:

a. cultural awareness

b. cultural safety and

c. cultural competence

4. Explain how cultural awareness, cultural safety and cultural competence impact the role of Registered Nurse/Residential Care Worker when working with a service with people, including clients, co-workers and external agency staff, from diverse social and cultural backgrounds.

5. Answer the following questions about political and economic diversity in Australia and how this can impact different areas of work and life.

a. How does the Australian Domestic Policy affect the work environment?

b. What impact on the community do political leaders have when making public statements about diversity in Australia? Particularly when different political figures hold such varying opinions.

c. How has immigration contributed to economic diversity in Australia?

6. Answer the following questions about social and cultural diversity in Australia and how this impact different areas of work and life.

a. How has immigration changed the cultural makeup of Australia over the past 3 decades?

b. How has the population diversity impacted workforce and care services in Australia?

7. Answer the following questions relating to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

a. How has the impact of European settlement potentially affected Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people's engagement with community services or health systems?

b. How has loss of land and culture potentially affected Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people's engagement with community services or health systems?

c. Identify two economic issues commonly facing Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and how these impact on engagement with community services or health systems.

d. Describe how modern-day culture and western influences might have impacted on the way Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people engage with community services or health systems.

8. Thinking about the legal and ethical context of discrimination, answer the following questions:

a. How do you ensure as a Registered Nurse/Residential Care Worker you do not discriminate against the client?

b. Briefly describe discrimination in the following contexts; age, disability, racial, sex.

c. What legislation exists, both nationally and state/territory based to help protect people from discrimination?

d. What strategies should you adopt when facilitating an individual support plan to ensure you do not discriminate?

e. What are the consequences to you as an individual worker if you discriminate (intentionally or unintentionally) against a client?

9. Describe what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is and how it relates to people requiring support.

10. What is the relationship between human needs and human rights?

11. How does a person-centred approach in a residential care environment relate to human rights and various legislation in Australia?

12. Australia is a party to the seven major human rights treaties.

a. List these treaties in the Australian Human Rights Frameworks.

b. List three different approaches or instruments used in the workplace that helps ensure people human rights or needs are being accounted for.

13. Answer the following questions around the rights and responsibilities of the following parties. List two rights and two responsibilities for the following stakeholders;

a. Nurses

b. The employer

c. The client

d. What are the appropriate actions when rights are being infringed or responsibilities not being carried out by any of the parties listed above?

14. Provide a description of the characteristics for the key areas of diversity.

Key areas of diversity -

a. Culture, race, ethnicity

b. Disability

c. Religious or spiritual beliefs

d. Gender, including transgender

e. Intersex

f. Generational

g. Sexual orientation /sexual identity including - lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual

15. In the context of Nursing/Residential Care what resources can an organisation provide their staff to help embrace diversity. Provide an example for each key area of diversity.

Key areas of diversity -

a) Culture, race, ethnicity

b) Disability

c) Religious or spiritual beliefs

d) Gender, including transgender

e) Intersex

f) Generational

g) Sexual orientation /sexual identity including - lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual

16. Answer the following questions about marginalised groups in Australia.

a. What are the five domains of disadvantage?

b. What are the indicators of these domains that contribute to marginalisation?

c. What are the potential impacts on an individual who experiences any of the following; discrimination, trauma, exclusion and negative attitudes?

d. When assisting marginalised Australians who have entered care, what addition considerations need to be taken into account in regard to physical, mental and emotional health issues?

e. Marginalised Australians have specific needs which relate to a sense of security. Name two (2) protective factors (e.g.: structured access to free education primary education) which assist a marginalised person in Australia to feel included in Society?

17. Provide two (2) examples of resources that support individuals and organisations to embrace and respond to diversity.

18. Describe how the use of imagery in the workplace, increases an appreciation of diversity?

19. Explain what a language interpreter is and under what circumstances your organisation would use one for language and cultural purposes?

20. Answer the following questions about what impact the increase in population diversity can have on a person's;

a. personal behaviour,

b. interpersonal relationships,

c. perception and social expectations of others in the workplace

21. Following question requires you to read the following information and then complete the table below on self-reflection on social and cultural perspectives and biases.

a. Try to think of two (2) types of people / situations that you may feel awkward/uncomfortable?

Type of person / situation you feel uncomfortable around.

How are they different from you?

Why do you think you feel uncomfortable around them?

Do you think you feel this way as a result of the impact of the diverse practices or personal experiences?

List some similarities between yourself and this group of people.

b. Mention one (1) method that you could use to understand these people better and feel more comfortable around them? What could you do?

22. In the Nursing profession/Residential Care it is likely that you will encounter people of different race, gender and sexual orientation. As such it is important to have an understanding of these different terminology so you can accept and understand the diversity of human nature. Please provide a definition for each term listed below?

Culture race and ethnicity


Religious or spiritual beliefs

Gender (including transgender)



Sexual orientation (define each of these lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual)

23. The western system and structures can impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in both a negative and positive aspects in relation to accessing services in the community (for example, healthcare).

Please discuss the importance of engagement between western system and structure and the impact on indigenous populations in Australia?

24. Language barriers are commonly encountered in the ageing support profession and it is important to have strategies to help deal with this. Please describe how imagery may be used to assist a language barrier?

25. In the following question please describe how each of the acts in the below impact on:

- Identify the impact on Nurses;

- State at least one example of violation of these Acts/Declaration

The Racial Discrimination Act 1975

The Sex Discrimination Act 1984

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Racial Hatred Act 1995

Age Discrimination Act 2004

Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace 1999

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Assessment Task 2 - Project Report

This task requires the student to undertake a self-assessment on the tool provided and reflect on their perspectives on diversity and identify ways to improve their self and social awareness.

After undertaking the self-assessment, the student should use these responses to answer the following questions;

a. Provide a summary of the results from the self-assessment tool.

b. Do you think this is an accurate reflection of your social and cultural perspectives and biases? Why or Why not.

c. Reflect on the statements that were allocated a "Never or Sometimes/Occasionally" response. What are the themes where your 'self and social awareness' may be limited?

d. What strategies can you implement to improve your own self and social awareness, to move your responses from "Never or Sometimes/Occasionally" to a "Fairly often/Pretty Well or Always/very well."

e. How can these strategies improve your ability to work inclusively and with an understanding of others?

Assessment Task 3 - Observation 1

Assessment Task 3 Part 1: Role Play Scenario

The student is required to demonstrate effective interaction skills (e.g: communication skills in line with cultural diversity awareness), when supporting Mr Wong, who is 89 years of age with a Chinese background.

Mr Wong has recently joined the residential facility and he speaks very little English. Mr Wong requires help with some personal support tasks, including transfer from bed to chair. Mr Wong is very timid around strangers and doesn't respond well to them. He does not like the hoist and tries to move by himself. This increases the risk of falls. Support workers need to gently and calmly get him to participate in the implementation of the care plan; helping him where necessary, for his own safety.

The assessor will be looking for the student to demonstrate;

a) Recognising Mr Wong's overall needs, respecting communication barriers (limited English) and making an effort to support him.

b) Use effective strategies to communicate in the most efficient way possible, including using respectful verbal and non-verbal communication.

c) Establish, develop and maintain effective relationships, mutual trust and confidence.

d) Try to sensitively resolve communication differences if the arise throughout the support task.

e) Use work practices that make environments safe for all and seek assistance when required.

The skills within this assessment relate directly to the integrated knowledge contained within the units of competency and are fundamental to the student's ability to perform workplace tasks correctly. The assessment will be directly supervised by the assessor and typically require a minimum of 25 minutes to complete. The student must demonstrate all skills to satisfactorily complete this assessment.

Assessment Task 3 Part 2: Role Play Reflection Questions

Points to be covered in Students' reflection report:

f. Explain how you respond appropriately to a situation where misunderstandings have raised from social and cultural diversity. When should you seek assistance?

g. Explain how you can contribute to the development of workplace and professional relationships based on appreciation of diversity and inclusiveness, in particular for people with English as a second language or unable to speak much English.

h. If the communication need warrants assistance from an interpreter, but one is not available, explain what you could do to continue to provide support.

Assessment Task 4 - Observation 2

Assessment Task 4 Part 1: Role Play Scenario

The student is required to demonstrate effective interaction skills (e.g.: communication skills in line with cultural diversity awareness), when supporting Carmen, 72 years of age personal care including grooming (dressing and make up application).

Carmen is a transgender woman who has recently had a mild stroke and now experiences some minor speech difficulty. Carmen also experiences some mobility impairment (as a result of her stroke) when using her right arm, which interferes with her capacity to apply her makeup to her usual level of detail. Carmen has been taking hormones for a number of years (even prior to entering residential care) to enhance her feminine appearance. She has not had any gender reassignment surgeries to complete the transition.

Carmen has mentioned that she has recently struggled with her identity after being bullied by a fellow resident. The fellow resident made some derogatory remarks about "Men who dress like girls". It is important to Carmen that she goes back to wearing her favourite eyeshadow and lipstick, because it makes her feel ready for the day's activities and challenges.

The assessor will be looking for the student to demonstrate;

a. Recognising and respecting the needs of Carmen, including the communication barriers that exist (her speech impairment) and her need for social acceptance.

b. Use effective strategies to communicate in the most efficient way possible, including using respectful verbal and non-verbal communication.

c. Establish, develop and maintain effective relationships, mutual trust and confidence.

d. Try to sensitively resolve communication differences if the arise throughout the support task.

e. Use work practices that make environments safe for all and seek assistance when required.

The skills within this assessment relate directly to the integrated knowledge contained within the units of competency and are fundamental to the student's ability to perform workplace tasks correctly. The assessment will be directly supervised by the assessor and typically require a minimum of 25 minutes to complete. The student must demonstrate all skills to satisfactorily complete this assessment.

Assessment Task 4 Part 2: Role Play Reflection Questions

Points to be covered in Students' reflection report:

f. Explain how you respond appropriately to a situation where misunderstandings have raised from social and cultural diversity. When should you seek assistance?

g. Explain how you can contribute to the development of work place and professional relationships based on appreciation of diversity and inclusiveness, in particular for people who are transgender.

h. What protecting mechanisms did you implement to minimise the bulling (discrimination and negative attitude) showed towards Carmen by fellow resident? What strategies did you implement to minimise the mental, physical and emotional impacts on Carmen's health due to fellow resident's behaviour.

i. a. Give examples of the potential impacts on Carmen, who has experienced discrimination, trauma, exclusion and negative attitudes towards her:

b. Give examples of the protective mechanisms/behaviours Carmen might enact as a result of her experience:

c. Give examples of ways that Carmen's physical, mental and emotional health issues (as a resident experiencing marginalisation) can be minimized.


Assessment Task 5 Part 1: Role Play Scenario

The student is required to demonstrate supporting Muhammad, a strict religious man of Islamic faith, who engages in prayer five times per day.

Muhammad is a new short stay resident to the care service and he has some minor mobility issues due to a motorcycle accident. Muhammad has complained because, earlier in the day, he had been prevented from undertaking his prayers due to a schedule conflict with an occupational therapy session. Using broken English only, Muhammad communicated his religious requirements and emphasised his need for his support worker to assist with transporting him to the prayer room. The support worker was hesitant to assist, as they had other duties related to the occupational therapy session to attend to. Muhammad became agitated and the supervisor needed to get involved. With the supervisor nearby, the support worker allowed Muhammad to communicate (through any means possible) why it is important for him to participate in his religion and, with this understanding, they came to a mutual agreement. In resolution, the residential service agreed to ensure Muhammed would be able to attend his five daily prayers.

It is later on in the day, and Muhammad needs to attend his prayers. This is the first prayer session after the heated exchange; therefore Muhammad is still feeling apprehensive.

The assessor will be looking for the student to demonstrate;

a. Recognising and respecting the needs of Muhammad, including the communication barrier that exists (English as a second language) and his need for cultural acceptance.

b. Use effective strategies to communicate in the most efficient way possible, including using respectful verbal and non-verbal communication.

c. Establish, develop and maintain effective relationships, mutual trust and confidence.

d. Try to sensitively resolve communication differences if the arise throughout the support task.

e. Use work practices that make environments safe for all and seek assistance when required.

The skills within this assessment relate directly to the integrated knowledge contained within the units of competency and are fundamental to the student's ability to perform workplace tasks correctly. The assessment will be directly supervised by the assessor and typically require a minimum of 25 minutes to complete. The student must demonstrate all skills to satisfactorily complete this assessment.

Assessment Task 5 Part 2: Role Play Reflection Questions

Points to be covered in Students' reflection report:

f. Explain how you respond appropriately to a situation where misunderstandings have raised from social and cultural diversity. When should you seek assistance?

g. Explain how you can contribute to the development of workplace and professional relationships based on appreciation of diversity and inclusiveness, in particular for people with English as a second language or unable to speak much English.

h. If the communication need warrants assistance from an interpreter, but one is not available, explain what you could do to continue to provide support.

Assessment Task 6 - SCEI Work Placement Supervisor Observation, Report And Student's Own Reflection

Assessment Task 6 Part A: SCEI Work Placement Supervisor Observation

Observation Procedure

The practical assessment will take place in a regulated Nursing/Residential Care Work placement facility where the student will need to demonstrate a series of practical skills by providing support to a minimum of three clients from diverse social and cultural backgrounds. During the work placement all the students need to demonstrate a range of skills related to recognizing and respecting the needs of people (from diverse social and cultural backgrounds). The learner will be required to contribute positively to the environment (a regulated Nursing/Residential Care facility) and work as directed by their supervisor. In addition, they need to be observed undertaking appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication when dealing with patients.

Furthermore, students will need to be able to recognise situations where misunderstandings may arise from patients with diverse backgrounds and work with them to clarify these misunderstandings.

The student will also be observed in the work placement in the skills listed in the observation checklist, which covers the following criteria:

1. Appreciate diversity and inclusiveness and their benefits, for the people and the environment in a regulated Residential Care facility.

2. Communicate appropriately with people from diverse backgrounds and situations in a regulated Residential Care facility.

3. Demonstrate skills and commitment to promote understanding across diverse groups in a regulated Residential Care facility.

Assessment Task 6 Part B: SCEI Work Placement Supervisor Report

Observation Procedure

This workplace supplementary evidence requires SCEI Work Placement Supervisor to engage with thestudent in the workplace to gather evidence in regard to student's skills and knowledge as well as the demonstrated behaviours and skills performed consistently over the period of the work placement. SCEI Work Placement Supervisor should proactively schedule time with the student to meet with them during a scheduled visit to the workplace.

SCEI Work Placement Supervisor should confirm that it has had a suitable opportunity in the workplace to observe the student's performance over time.

This report acts as workplace supplementary evidence to support the assessment of competency and does not replace the assessment tasks required for completion of this unit.

Attachment:- Work with Diverse People Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132400033

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CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People Assignment : CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People Assignment Help and Solution. HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing - Southern Cross Education Institute, Australia
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11/11/2019 9:44:00 PM

Nursing assignment, Unit is work with diverse people. APA style REFERENCE only. Strictly Australian sites. No American or ul sites. Where possible please prefer south Australia websites. Only trusted sources like journals, Books and medical sites and Please no Wikipedia.

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