CHCDIS001 Contribute to Ongoing Skills Development

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Reference no: EM132675383

CHCDIS001 Contribute to Ongoing Skills Development using a Strengths-based Approach Assignment - Inspire Education, Australia

1. Knowledge Assessment

1. The following are practices, philosophies, and theories in supporting and empowering people with disability.

a) Social model of disability

b) Social devaluation

c) Strengths-based practice

d) Active support

e) Person-centred practice

f) Community education

g) Capacity building

Match each to its correct description. Write the letters of your answers in the spaces provided.

Description -

i. It is the belief of society that a person or a group of people with disabilities cannot contribute to society as much as those with no disability. As a result, people living with disabilities are viewed as having less value than others.

ii. This views 'disability' as the result of people living with impairments interacting in an environment with physical, attitudinal, communication and social barriers.

iii. It sees the person with a disability as an individual rather than a sick person. The person must also be valued and is worthy of respect no matter their disability.

iv. This includes programs to promote learning and social development work with individuals and groups in their communities using formal and informal teaching and learning methods.

v. It focuses on what a person living with disability can do, rather than what he/she cannot do.

vi. It is developing a person's skills and capabilities to promote his/her independence. It is demonstrated through doing a task with the person rather than doing a task for that person.

vii. It enables and empowers people with disabilities to participate in all aspects of their lives.

2. Ricky Moran had a car accident a few years back. Since the accident, he could no longer walk, forcing him to quit his job at the community hospital where he was a nurse. He now stays at home where his wife, Lorie, attends to his care and needs. The couple also got a disability support worker to help out in some of Ricky's activities for daily living (ADLs).

Ricky could not help but feel he has no value in society anymore, because of his disability. How does social devaluation impact Ricky's quality of life?

Guidance: Select three (3) answers

i. Ricky will become too dependent on Lorie.

ii. Ricky may become prone to depression for losing his job.

iii. Ricky may lose confidence in himself, and he might see himself as a failure.

iv. Ricky may think that he is a burden to Lorie and others.

v. Lorie will leave Ricky.

3. Refer to Question 2. As Ricky's support worker, which of the following are effective competency and image enhancement strategies that can you can use to address social devaluation?

Guidance: Select three (3) answers.

i. Do all tasks for Ricky so he does not tire himself.

ii. Do tasks and activities, including his activities for daily living (ADLs), together with Ricky while maintaining independence and following his support plan.

iii. Discuss and agree goals with Ricky about the provision of his support.

iv. Motivate Ricky and celebrate accomplishments along the way.

v. Point out whatever Ricky is doing wrong, so he can do it correctly next time.

4. Which of the following are disability support practices that focus on the individual person?

Guidance: Select three (3) answers.

i. Finishing the client's sentence for him when he has difficulties in articulating his thoughts.

ii. Discussing preferences for support and goals with client.

iii. Organise activities that make the best use of the client's capacities and strengths.

iv. Treating the person with dignity and respect.

v. Reprimand the person with if he does something incorrectly.

5. The following are concepts relevant to disability support.

a. Vulnerability

b. Power

c. Independence

d. Interdependence

Identify the concept that is being demonstrated or shown in the each scenario below. Write the letter of your answer in the spaces provided.


i. Donald is a thirty-year old with vision impairment. He receives support from a support worker who regularly drops by his home. Despite his disability and the fact that he is receiving support from a support worker, he can still well manage on his own. He has a guide dog named Lucky, who accompanies him outside. He also uses visual aids to help him read.

ii. Kathleen is a polio survivor. She is fifty-seven years old. She receives care from her husband and daughter and from a disability support worker. Although she and her husband do not agree on some matters regarding the provision of her support, her husband always acknowledges and respects her decisions and preferences relating to her support.

iii. Raury is a teenager with cerebral palsy and has been home schooled ever since. He will start regular school next week. His parents are both excited and anxious because they are aware that Raury is also at risk for being bullied and discriminated by others at school.

iv. Gino is a war veteran who lost both of his legs from the war. His wife Jani is her primary carer. He can still accomplish a number of his activities for daily living (ADLs). At times, he requires the help of Jani especially with transferring from the bed to his wheelchair. Despite his disability, Gino still enjoys helping Jani with the house chores. He helps her in any way he can - this includes folding clothes and cooking meals.

6. Consider the assessment processes for developing and maintaining the skills of the person with disabilities. Which of the following are considered in these processes?

Guidance: Select six (6) responses.

i. The person's dreams and aspirations

ii. Financial capacity of the person to pay for support services

iii. Cultural values and expectations

iv. Holistic health needs (physical, social, emotional, psychological)

v. The person's preferred communication method

vi. The person's strengths and capabilities

vii. The person's weaknesses

viii. The person's learning style

7. The following statements are about assessment processes for developing and maintaining the skills of the person with disability.

Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

i. A person-centred approach is used in the assessment processes for developing and maintaining the skills of the person with disability.

ii. Assessment processes are standardised and same processes are used for all persons with disabilities.

iii. Information about the person with disability may be gathered from family, friends, and or carers.

iv. Plans and the implementations of plans are continually evaluated and modified to meet the person's changing needs.

8. Which of the following are principles of access and equity in relation to the provision of disability support?

Guidance: Select three (3) responses.

i. Everyone should be free from any form of discrimination regardless of the person's country of birth, language, culture, race, religion, or disability.

ii. Services should be made readily available to everyone who is entitled to them, including people with disabilities.

iii. Persons with disability must be prioritised over aged care clients.

iv. Services should be developed and delivered on the basis of fair treatment of clients who are eligible to receive them.

v. Access and equity are founded on charity and pity for people with disabilities.

9. Which of the following are potential communication needs of people with disability?

Guidance: Select four (4) responses

i. Lack of or absence of speech

ii. Using speech that is difficult to understand for others.

iii. Correct spelling of words and using correct grammar.

iv. Difficulty in understanding what other people are saying

v. Knowing how to construct sentences effectively using proper subject verb agreement.

vi. Relying on other methods of communication such as pointing or gestures.

10. The following are teaching and learning strategies used in developing the skills of persons with disability. Match each strategy to the statement that accurately describes it.

a. Role modelling

b. Demonstration

c. Drama or role plays

d. Peer education

Write the letter of your answer in the spaces provided.

Description -

i. This strategy involves sharing of knowledge, information, skills, and values among individuals belonging to the same group (e.g. age group, social group, etc.).

ii. This involves showing someone how a particular task or activity is done or how something is used.

iii. It is a strategy for passing knowledge, skills, and values through leading by example rather than verbally talking about these knowledge, skills, and values.

iv. These are activities where learners simulate a scenario by assuming specific roles.

11. Which of the following are effective strategies for identifying and maximising informal learning opportunities?

Guidance: Select four (4) responses.

i. Consider the person's wants, needs, and personal goals to determine activities appropriate for him / her.

ii. Incorporate learning even in everyday task (e.g. using the public transport, hobbies, grooming oneself, etc.)

iii. Let the person complete tasks and activities with least supervision so they may learn on their own.

iv. Celebrate accomplishments as a means of rewards.

v. Provide activities that recognise and make use of the individual's strengths.

vi. Force the person to participate in learning activities including those that he / she does not enjoy.

12. Which of the following are principles of prompting as a strategy in teaching people with special needs?

Guidance: Select three (3) responses.

i. Prompts are used as means of discipline.

ii. Prompting includes instructions, gestures, demonstrations, touches.

iii. The person's learning style must be considered when using prompts.

iv. Prompting someone means effectively forcing someone to do something they do not want to do.

v. Prompts, when used effectively, increase likelihood that the person makes the desired or correct response.

13. Which of the following are principles of fading as a part of prompting strategy in teaching people with special needs?

Guidance: Select three (3) responses.

i. Fading is to punishment while prompting is to reward.

ii. Fading is used to avoid the person with disability become too dependent on prompts.

iii. Fading involves a systematic removal of a prompt until the person can successfully make the desired or correct response without the need for prompts anymore.

iv. Fading along with prompting can be used in everyday activities such as

14. Which of the following are effective strategies for promoting independence among people with disability?

Guidance: Select three (3) responses.

i. Use of assistive technology such as mobility aids and specialised software

ii. Prompting and fading

iii. Leaving the person unattended

iv. Asking the person about his/her preferences for support and letting him/her decide on matters about his/her support

v. Doing tasks and activities for the person so he/she does not exert effort

15. Which of the following are effective reinforcing techniques for skills development?

Guidance: Select two (2) responses.

i. Depriving someone of something if they do something incorrectly.

ii. Pointing out what was done wrong so they can do it right next time.

iii. Commending and praising the person.

iv. Showing positive emotions such as a smile or a high-five.

16. Which of the following statements accurately explain incidental learning?

Guidance: Select three (3) responses.

i. In incidental learning, knowledge is always acquired through demonstration of how things are done.

ii. Incidental learning is unintentional or unplanned learning that results from activities.

iii. It is learning that occurs through day to day living and learning in real life situations and is an effective way of learning.

iv. Incidental learning can happen in many ways - through observation, repetition, social interaction, problem solving, even from making mistakes.

v. Incidental learning involves repetition of facts and tasks to ensure knowledge and skills are retained.

17. Access and review the Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities (UNCRPD) through this link: UNCRPD

Which of the following statements accurately reflect the Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities?


Select three (3) responses.

You are provided with references in the choices below to point you where to look in the UNCRPD.

i. People with disability have more rights to liberty and security than those with no disability. (Article 14)

ii. Raising awareness includes combatting stereotypes, prejudices, and harmful practices to persons with disabilities. (Article 8)

iii. People with disability are free to leave any country, including their own. (Article 18)

iv. Discrimination against any person on the basis of disability is a violation of the inherent dignity and worth of the human being. (Preamble)

v. People with disability are only allowed to access cultural materials and places that are designated to them. (Article 30)

18. List four (4) resources which you can use or access to communicate better with people with disabilities.

19. The following are terms that may be considered inappropriate when talking or referring to people with disabilities.

In the spaces provided write appropriate terms that you can use instead.

Avoid saying

i. Victim, sufferer

ii. Deaf

iii. Confined to a wheelchair

iv. Mentally retarded

20. The following are conditions of persons with disabilities that you may encounter while working as a disability support worker.

Provide two (2) communication strategies that you may use for each condition.


i. Hearing Impairment

ii. Vision Impairment

iii. Physical Disability

iv. Intellectual Disability

21. List five (5) tools or aids, equipment, and resources used in learning processes within skills development.

22. List three (3) services and resources made available to people with disability for knowledge and skills development.

17. Briefly discuss when and how to use the following reinforcing techniques for skills development:

Commending and praising the person

Showing positive emotions such as smile or a high five

Guidance: Your discussion must be between 20 - 150 words in length.

23. Consider motivators, de-motivators, barriers in learning for people with disability.

a. List three (3) examples of motivators; and

b. List three (3) examples of de-motivators.

c. List three (3) examples of barriers

24. Briefly discuss why it is important to recognise opportunities for learning.

Guidance: Your discussion must be between 20 - 100 words in length.

25. The following are legal and ethical considerations for working with people with disability.

a) Codes of conduct

b) Discrimination

c) Dignity of Risk

d) Duty of Care

e) Human rights including rights of persons with disabilities (UNCRPD)

f) Informed consent

g) Mandatory reporting

h) Privacy, confidentiality, and disclosure

i) Work health and safety.

Write the letters of your answers in the spaces provided.

i. These are the basic privileges of all human beings, including those with disabilities, no matter what his/her race, religion, nationality, sex, or status.

ii. Support workers must provide clients with sufficient information for provision of care so the client can consent to something they fully understand.

iii. Service providers and disability support workers are legally required to report cases of suspected abuse and neglect, WHS incidents, and emergency incidents.

iv. These outline social norms, rules, and responsibilities the disability support workers must adhere to. These may include but not limited to respect, work ethics (e.g. honesty and integrity) professionalism, and privacy.

v. Service providers and disability support workers are required to provide the same high-quality and safe services regardless of the client's age, gender, race, social status, disability without discrimination.

vi. Disability support workers must respect and recognise the client's right to autonomy and independence and allowing him / her to make informed choices for him/herself.

vii. This is the legal obligation of disability support workers to their clients to avoid acts of omission (failing to act) that are likely to endanger clients and others.

viii. Service providers and disability support workers are legally required to take all reasonable steps in ensuring the health and safety.

ix. These are concerned with protecting client's and others' personal information and self from being pried by others.

26. Below are practices used in providing disability support. Match each to its correct principle.

a) Empowerment

b) Rights-based approach

c) Person-centred practices

d) Self-advocacy

e) Active support

f) Active listening

g) Social justice, and the importance of knowing and respecting each person as an individual

h) Strengths-based approaches

Write the letter of your answers in the spaces provided.

i. It supports and promotes participation, accountability, non-discrimination (equality), empowerment and legality.

ii. It includes promoting and encouraging self-determination by people with physical disability, supporting them to make their own choices and decisions, particularly where the outcomes directly affect their lives.

iii. It puts the person with a disability at the centre of decision-making about the provision of his / her support.

iv. It ensures that people with even the most significant disabilities have ongoing, daily support to be engaged in a variety of life activities and opportunities of their choice.

v. This practice promotes the participation and voice of people with a disability; enabling people with a disability to develop the skills to ensure that their rights and interests are respected and realised.

vi. It involves removing distractions, understanding the speaker's signs and sounds, and providing feedback.

vii. It focuses on what the person can do instead of what he / she cannot do.

viii. It makes sure that people with disability have the same choices as everyone else about how they live and the means to make those choices.


This part of the RPL Kit requires you to provide evidence from the workplace. The evidence could be from your current workplace or one that you have recently been involved in however it must be in the disability support sector whilst performing the role of disability support worker.

You may need to obtain permission from your workplace supervisor to be able to submit the documents requested. Please also ensure that you maintain confidentiality and remove or cross out any identifying names etc. on the documentation.

This documentation is to demonstrate that you contribute research information about compliance and ethical practice responsibilities and then develop and monitor policies and procedures to meet those responsibilities.

This unit of competency requires you to provide evidence of completing the following:

- use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:

- individualised plans and any relevant equipment outlined in the plans

- information/documentation associated with individualised plans

- modelling of industry operating conditions, including access to people with disability

The requirements of this unit also includes:-

Provision of demonstrated evidence that the candidate has:

Shown evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

contributed to ongoing skills development, using a strengths-based approach, for at least 3 people with disability

1. Contribute to ongoing skills development

Recall a time that you were involved in supporting three (3) separate individuals with ongoing skills development.

Provide three documents (one for each individual) that shows how you contributed to their ongoing skills development.

Any of the following documents can be submitted as long as it contains the above-mentioned information required:

Email correspondence

Client's care plans

Meeting minutes

Monitoring sheets

Incident reports

Person-centred planning tools

Progress notes

Policies and procedures

Any workplace-related reports/records that provides information on the above-mentioned requirements

2. Strengths based approach

Recall a time that you were involved in supporting three (3) separate individuals with ongoing skills development.

Provide three documents (one for each individual) that shows how you used a strengths-based approach whilst contributing to each individual's skills development.

Any of the following documents can be submitted as long as it contains the above-mentioned information required:

Email correspondence

Client's care plans

Meeting minutes

Monitoring sheets

Incident reports

Person-centred planning tools

Progress notes

Policies and procedures

Any workplace-related reports/records that provides information on the above-mentioned requirements

Attachment:- Strengths-based Approach Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132675383

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