CHCCCS025 Support Relationships With Carers and Families

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Reference no: EM132674266

CHCCCS025 Support Relationships With Carers and Families Assignment - Inspire Education, Australia


1. Describe the following phases of life cycle transitions in the care setting.

Engaging formal services

Client move from home to a supported residential setting

2. List three (3) examples of negative aspects of life cycle transitions into the care setting.

3. List three (3) examples of positive aspects of life cycle transitions into the care setting.

4. Briefly describe how the following legal and ethical requirements are applied in working with carers and families in the home and community care setting.

a) Discrimination

b) Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

c) Work role boundaries - responsibilities and limitations

5. List two (2) stereotypes, false beliefs and myths associated with caring.

Briefly describe how each of these affect the attitude of carers and support workers.

6. Describe the implications of the following service options to the client's carers, families and friends.

Community Support Services

Residential Care


7. Briefly explain how the following changes in family patterns and structures will impact on a person with care and support needs.

Modern families often have fewer or no children

Modern families start families much later in life than before


This part of the RPL Kit requires you to provide evidence from the workplace. The evidence could be from your current workplace or one that you have recently been involved in however it must be in the disability care sector whilst performing the role of a disability care support worker.

You may need to obtain permission from your workplace supervisor to be able to submit the documents requested. Please also ensure that you maintain confidentiality and remove or cross out any identifying names etc. on the documentation.

This documentation is to demonstrate that you contribute research information about compliance and ethical practice responsibilities and then develop and monitor policies and procedures to meet those responsibilities.

This unit of competency requires you to provide evidence of completing the following:

Knowledge of context for caring in Australia:

- carer demographics

- carer support organisations and resources

- attitudes, stereotypes, false beliefs and myths associated with caring

- different pathways into service settings for the person and the implications for carers, families and friends

- rights, roles and responsibilities of different people in the care relationship

- the person

- family members

- friends

- support worker

- impact of the caring role on family, carers and friends

- different family patterns and structures and their impact on the person

- life cycle transitions:

- types of transitions

- positive and negative impacts

- current service delivery philosophy and models:

- basic principles of person-centred practice, strengths-based practice and active support

- strategies to work positively with families, carers and friends

- organisation policies and procedures in relation to carers and families

- legal and ethical requirements for working with carers and families and how these are applied in an organisation and individual practice, including:

- discrimination

- privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

- work role boundaries - responsibilities and limitations

The requirements of this unit also includes:

Provision of demonstrated evidence that the candidate has:

Demonstrated in the workplace, or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions, the following skills:

- use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including organisation policy, protocols and procedures relevant to carers and families

- modelling of industry operating conditions and contingencies, including people, carers or family members with whom the candidate can interact

1. Policy & Procedure

Access, review, and understand the following organisation's standards, policies, and procedures for supporting clients and their family/carers in their own home or other community support setting:

- visiting protocols

- your scope in the delivery of support services

- confidentiality and privacy requirements

- records and documentation requirements

- WHS requirements

- duty of care requirements

You can provide a copy of the policy & procedure documents that evidence the above or you can write a report regarding these policies in the workplace. These documents must be signed by your supervisor.

2. Care Plan

Provide evidence of supporting three (3) different clients and their family/carers in a home or community service setting.

You will need to have access to three (3) clients in a home or community service setting and workplace documentation including:

- Standards, policies and procedures for service coordination

- Feedback mechanisms

- Client care plans/templates

Have a discussion/meeting with the client and relevant stakeholders to develop a care plan based on their individual needs and interests.

In your care plan you should include the following information:

- The standards/legisations/polices which relate to providing support

- Activities to support the interests and needs of the client/s

- Services to support the interests and needs of the client/s and the role that they will take in providing support

- The care workers who are involved in providing support and any corresponding responsibilites

Provide a copy of the care plans (you can use alias (false) names for confidentiality purposes).

3. Supporting client and carer

Provide evidence of supporting three (3) different clients and their family/carers in a home or community service setting.

1) Prepare relevant equipment, resources, and/or documents required for the purpose of the visit and contingencies and document this in your evidence.

2) For each visit, make sure you complete the following tasks and documentation:

Assure the client and the carer of your identity before entering the house.

Inform the client and/or carer of the purpose of the visit and confirm the required consent according to organisation policies and procedures.

Provide the client and/or carer the opportunity to identify and express any issues or concerns in relation to the visit and/or associated matters before proceeding with your tasks.

Identify the family/carer role in supporting the client.

Identify and support any issues which impact on the physical and emotional wellbeing of the client and/or carer.

Identify and support any risks to the client/carer relationship.

Before you leave the client's home, make sure arrangements for follow up visits are recorded and implemented.

Any of the following documents can be submitted as long as it contains the above-mentioned information required:

- Email correspondence

- Client's care plans

- Meeting minutes

- Person-centred planning tools

- Progress notes

- Policies and procedures

- Any workplace-related reports/records that provides information on the above-mentioned requirements

4. Identify Hazards

Complete a hazard inspection for each home care setting you visit. Provide evidence of hazard inspection for three (3) different clients and their family/carer in a home or community service setting.

The hazard identification documents must be signed by your supervisor.

Attachment:- Support Relationships With Carers and Families Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132674266

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CHCCCS025 Support Relationships With Carers and Families : CHCCCS025 Support Relationships With Carers and Families Assignment Help and Solution - Inspire Education, Australia - Assessment Writing Service
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