CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support Assignment

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Reference no: EM132994121

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support - ACE INSTITUTE PLY LTD

1. Describe Individualised plan (care plan) in your own words (50-100 words)?

2. List at least 10 activities where we use Individualised plan while supporting to the person?

3. Describe in own words what the definition of the term "Job role" or "Job description" is?

4. Describe the basic principles of rights-based approaches

5. Describe in own words what the definition of the term "Empowerment" is?

6. Case Study: Your Client Mars Mavis Gatto (fictional character) has been living in a care centre since 2012, she is elderly, frail and also short term memory is not too good due to affected by dementia. Today is Sunday Morning and you are working in the same area with your colleague, where Mrs gatto is living in room no 7 and she is going to church with her family member. Today her family member arrived 30 min earlier from the regular schedule to pick her for the church. You are providing assistant to the client with transfer from room to vehicle after delivering ADL to Mavis.

Please answer these questions based on the scenario:

  • Identify two activities when you get to confirm the information from the individualised plan and confirm that information with the person, other support worker and family?
  • Based on the case study, identify activity when you require seeking support from another person and from who and how you get an assistant?
  • What information will you collect from the Individualised plan in regards to transferring activities from room to vehicle?
  • Identify the task when you are offering an opportunity to make their own decision in regards to the support activity by promoting maximum independence.
  • Based on the case study, please identify the area of individualised plan can be reviewed and to whom and how you will contact for this modification (if required)?
  • Provide two occasions when other carer and family member could be part of support activities?
  • List two steps you can take to minimize spread of any infection during the support activities?
  • List two actions you can take to reduce risk and build safe environment during the support activities?
  • List two actions you can take to maintain healthy and clean environment during the support activities?
  • List one task when you are preparing and delivery support activities according to Mavis preferences by following individualised plan.
  • Briefly explain during the task how you will build and maintain trust of the client (Mavis)
  • List a scenario when you are arranging required equipment according to Mavis needs?
  • How you will protect Mavis's dignity and Privacy during the support activities?
  • Who can provide you feedback of your support activities after you complete your task?
  • What type of documentation you will review and complete during the above scenario and how you will use them securely?
  • List two steps where you can encourage Mavis to participate in support activities?
  • List at least two occasions when you will wash your hands during support activities?
  • If you are helping to Mavis for washing her face and other body parts then briefly explain how you will handle linen to stop of spread of infection.

7. Write a short definition for the term self-determination.

8. Case Study: Infection control
Sophie is a personal care worker at an age care facility and is taking care of Mrs. Smith, a resident who has been diagnosed with MRSA. Recently Sophie had minor cut on her one of fingers when helping at home to cut the vegetables. She helps Mrs. Smith with daily activities as and when required.
Today she needs to assist Mrs. Smith to have a shower. While getting the shower ready, Sophie notices that there is a sharp article into Mrs smith's room left by someone, She also notice that there was a water on floor, which may dropped by Mrs smith when she was trying to drink during the night.
Sophie helps Mrs Smith for the shower by following organisation policy and procedure and collecting dirty linen after providing clean linen to the client/resident at the end of her task.

During these all activities Sophie completed many tasks and based on those tasks please answer the questions listed below.

Please answer the following questions that are based on the scenario :

a. List at least two occasion when Sophie needs to wash her hands

b How Sophie can protect her injure finger while helping to Mrs Smith.
c List at least two type of Personal Protective equipment (PPE) Sophie can use to protect her from spread of infection.
d Outline steps of cleaning to shower room after use.
e Briefly explain how Sophie will maintain infection control when changing linen of Mrs Smith after use.
f How and where she will dispose contaminated waste e.g. linen etc.
g The list of equipment Sophie will use and how to disinfect them for next use.
h Why Sophie needs to use extra precautions to attend Mrs Smith's needs.
i List at least of one infection hazards which can cause a problem to Sophie
j Briefly explain her own area of responsibilities when Sophie find sharp and water of the floor in Mrs Smith Room.
k Which document is required to complete to report identified hazard in Mrs Smith's room.
l Which warning sign Sophie will use after clean spills on floor.
m Explain how Mrs. Smith makes others susceptible to infection
n What methods did Sophie use to safely take care of the spill and clean the floor?

9 Case Study: Julia works in an age care facility and was incharge of overseeing residents in the dining room. During this shift, when the other residents were on their way to the dining room, two of the residents - Mark and Frank got into a brawl regarding their seat. Mark has dementia and
sometimes fails to remember his own name. Due to this he ended up sitting on Frank's seat and when Frank asked Mark to shift they got into a fight.
Mark was visibly confused and upset and started throwing utensils. Mark also threw soup and some ended up on Frank. To control the situation Julia immediately called for help and also asked another carer to stop the other residents from coming to the dining room. The other carer helped Frank walk to another part of the room safely while Julia tried to calm down Mark.
Please answer the following questions that are based on the scenario :
a What are the rights and responsibilities of worker (including duty of care) with regards to the scenario outlined above?

b. What were some hazards and risks that were easily identifiable above. How can you minimise these risks and report them?

c What were some risk factors created by client behaviour. How will you report and record this?
d Do you think Frank requires first aid and medical help? What is the workplace protocol in this situation?
e How will you minimise manual handling risks and apply control measures to deal with the utensils and food spill according to workplace protocol? Do they create a hazard to other residents and carers?

f Does this scenario make you think of any ways that can make WHS better? How can you participate and contribute in the development and implementation.

g What is the emergency response procedure for this scenario. Outline the response procedure for your workplace for Personal threat?

h How do you recognise and report with the stress brought on by this situation?

i How will you debrief this event and are there any individual needs that have arised as result?

10 Identify the following safety signs by matching them to their correct meaning. Write your answers from the list provided.

11 Describe the following service delivery models in aged care.
1. Residential care
2. Respite care
3. Home and community care

12 Briefly describe the basic principles of person-centred practice in the context of individualised support planning and delivery.

13 Briefly describe the basic principles of strength-centred practice in the context of individualised support planning and delivery.

14 Briefly describe the basic principles of active support in the context of individualised support planning and delivery.

15 Briefly explain use of progress notes included process in care industry.

16 Briefly explain use of Incident reports included process in care industry.

17 Identify the roles and responsibilities of the following people in the provision of care to an ageing client.

Guidance: also describe the communication that occurs between each role

Guidance: Guidance: also describe the communication that occurs between each role.

Carers and family's Role

Carers and family's Responsibility

Person being supported: Role

Person being supported: Responsibility

Health professionals: Role

Health professionals: Responsibility

Individual workers: Role

Individual workers: Responsibility

Supervisors: Role

Supervisors: Responsibility

The communication that occurs between each role

18 Briefly explain how the following legal and ethical requirements are applied in the care service industry.
(Guidance: include how it is implemented by care service organisations and individual workers)
1. privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
2. duty of care
3. dignity of risk
4. human rights
5. discrimination
6. mandatory reporting
7. work role boundaries - responsibilities and limitations

19. List two examples of factors that affect the older people requiring support.

20 List two examples of practices that support skill maintenance and development for direct care workers.

21 The following are typical conditions experienced by an aged care client that requires special care and support. Describe possible indicators that these care and support needs are not met, and ways you can respond as a care worker to address these needs.

22 The following are major risks typically encountered in aged care facilities. Describe ways care workers/care providers can respond to these risks.

Manual handling injuries

Resident aggression


23 Briefly Explain what is meant by ‘infection'.

24 Briefly explain the differences between bacteria, fungi and viruses and how they spread.

25 Explain the terms colonisation and disease.

26 • Explain the Microorganisms?
• Are all microorganisms' harmful and considered pathogens?
• Microorganisms are spread through direct contact, aerosols and penetrating injury. Explain what each mode of transmission is and give one example for each.

27 Explain what is meant by ‘the chain of infection'.

28 a) List the five main types of infectious agents and
b) Explain the source of infectious agents.

29 What is susceptible host? List three factors that make a person more susceptible to acquiring infection.

30 List the three paths of transmission for infection to spread.

31 Define the terms hazard, risk and risk control.

32 Consider a typical Care facility.
a) Identify three examples of hazards commonly found in Care facilities. Include at least one specific hazard relating to manual tasks, infection control and general personal safety.
b) List two possible harmful effects that may be caused by each hazard identified.
c) List two strategies to minimise the risks posed by each hazard identified.

33 Briefly outline the typical workplace procedures for hazard identification and reporting to designated person.

34 List two infections that can be spread via airborne and droplet transmission and what precautions should be put into place to manage the spread of infection.

35 Why is it important for health care workers to cover open-sores with an occlusive dressing when working? (25-75 words)

36 Why are people with an open wound more at risk of acquiring an infection?

37 Why are the very young, newborn and elderly people more at risk of infection?

38 What cleaning process is used to kill bacteria and bacterial spores?

39 List the steps involved in a routine hand wash.

40 List the steps involved in waterless hand hygiene.

41 List the steps involved in a pre-surgical hand wash.

42 List seven times hand hygiene is required in a healthcare facility.

43 When should hands be washed with soap and water rather than alcohol-based hand rub?

44 How can a healthcare worker protect their skin from the effects of handwashing?

45 How should a healthcare worker care for their fingernails?

46 Should jewellery be worn when providing clinical care? Why/why not?

47 State two guidelines for the use of gloves in a healthcare facility.

48 When should a healthcare worker wear a gown or waterproof apron?

49 List four situations where the wearing of a mask is required.

50 Can prescription eye glasses be worn in place of protective glasses?

51 List the procedure for handling, transporting and processing linen that will assist in the control of infection.

52 Why are signs useful for infection control in healthcare facilities?

53 Explain the term ‘additional precautions'.

54 List three types of additional precautions used in healthcare facilities when standard precautions are not sufficient to contain infection.

55 List three types of additional precautions that may be used to control the spread of infection for people who are carriers, in the incubation phase or those who are acutely ill.

56 List and give a brief explanation of the three methods of cleaning used for equipment to prevent the spread of infection

57 Why is it necessary to confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-designated contaminated zone? Provide at least three reasons.

58 What information do cleaning schedules contain?

59 All work surfaces need to be cleaned to prevent the spread of infection. What cleaning needs to be completed before wiping with a pH neutral cleaning solution?

60 Explain how risk is assessed to determine the level of severity of the hazard.

61 How can the transmission of infection for aerosols and splatter be controlled in a healthcare facility?

62 In order to manage a body fluid or blood spill safely organisations will have a blood spill kit. What should a spill kit contain?

63 What steps should a healthcare worker take if they have had a sharps injury?

64 List the precautions you would take to minimise the risk of a sharps injury.

65 Why is the protocol after exposure to blood or other body fluids so important?

66 How does the immune system assist the process of fighting infections?

67 List the hierarchy of controls that are used to prevent the risk of acquisition for infections.

68 Briefly explain why PPE should always be used in accordance with standard precautions and Make a list of at least Five common types of PPE that might be found in a health care setting.

69 Complete the chart provided below with help of guideline and list three types of waste that might be generated in a health care setting. Describe how each should be handled.
Example of waste: Paper, Hypodermic needles, Carcinogenic drugs
Category of waste for segregation: Clinical, General, Cytotoxic
Type of bag/ container required for safe handling: Purple, Green, Yellow
Correct labelling requirements: Universal biohazard label, Recycle symbol/Visy, Cytotoxic waste / telophase symbol
Storage before disposal: Recycle bin, Purple bin, Yellow container
Final disposal: Incinerated at very high temperatures in incinerators, Licensed contractor, Recycle depot

70 What is cough etiquette and what procedures should you follow for respiratory hygiene?

71 Why is it necessary to document and report activities and tasks that put clients and/or other workers at risk? What documentation and record-keeping techniques can you use? (25-50 words)

72 Why is reporting and documentation so important and why does it need to comply with organisational policy and procedures? 20-40 words

73 To respond appropriately to situations involving possible risk of infection, you will need to know what to do, how to do it and when to do it. How will this information be communicated to you in the workplace? (50-75 words)

74 List at least six infection risks you can think of that you should report.

This assessment is comprised of three case studies with scenarios and tasks that will test your knowledge and skills relevant to the competency standard requirements of the units included in this subject.

These case studies are hypothetical situations which will not require you to have access to a workplace, although your past and present workplace experiences may help with the responses you provide.

The evidence of your successful completion of the other competency standards that are required to be performed in the workplace are all included in your Skills Workbook.

Case Study 1: Abraham Chatzkel
Name: Abraham Chatzkel Age:91
Date of Birth: 16 January 20xz Room #: 23

Abraham's Care Plan is provided on the following page.
Abraham Chatzkel is a new client at Lotus Compassionate Care. Abraham never married and has no kids of his own. Before moving to the centre, Abraham stayed with his niece, Abigail, her husband, Jacob, and their two daughters, Aliya and Amira.
Abigail is a stay-at-home mother, taking care of Abraham and her two kids. Abigail's husband accepted a job in New York and moved there with the rest of family. Abraham did not want to move to New York with them and prefers to spend the rest of his life in Australia, where he has spent the most of his life.
Due to the distance and the time difference, all communications between the centre and the family are done via phone call or email.

Scenario 1: Abraham's Care Plan

7 July, 20xx
After reviewing Abraham's care plan, you've determined that there are several aspects of the plan that are outside the scope of your role as a care worker.

75 What is your role in implementing Abraham's individual care plan?

76 What aspects of the care plan are beyond the scope of your role? List at least two.

77 Which parts of the care plan do you recommend to be reviewed and revised?

Scenario 2: Abraham Feels Down

9 September, 20xx
Abraham is an avid reader of books. Abigail promised Abraham that she will send him new books every couple of weeks so Abraham can continue to enjoy his love for reading.

Two months later, Abraham still has not received any letters or books from Abigail. You tried giving him books from the centre's library but he refused them. He told you that he does not want to read books anymore.

Slowly, you noticed changes in Abraham's disposition. You noticed that he appears withdrawn, and rarely interacts with the other residents and care workers in the centre.

In the morning, as you were about to help him get ready for his morning walk, he very sadly tells you that he does not want totake a walk, and he just wants to go back to sleep, hoping he does not wake up anymore.

When you asked him why he feels this way, he tells you that he thinks his family has already forgotten about him, and he wishes to just stop waking up in the morning. He further asks you if you could just give him "too much" pain medication so all of his pain will go away.

78. Based on the scenario provided above, list two signs of additional or unmet needs of the Abraham:

79. Based on the scenario provided above, identify risk/s in Abraham's behaviour that are beyond your scope of knowledge, skills and job role, which should prompt you to seek support from your supervisor.

80. Briefly explain how the following state/territory legislations relevant to aged care impact workplace regulations.

state/territory WHS authorities rights and responsibilities of employers
Guidance: include duty of care rights and responsibilities of workers
Guidance: include duty of care
hazardous manual tasks
infection control

81. Briefly explain how the following state/territory legislations relevant to aged care impact codes of practice.

state/territory WHS authorities
rights and responsibilities of employers

Guidance: include duty of care
rights and responsibilities of workers

Guidance: include duty of care
hazardous manual tasks

infection control

82. Briefly explain how the following state/territory legislations relevant to aged care impact industry standards.

state/territory WHS authorities
rights and responsibilities of employers

Guidance: include duty of care
rights and responsibilities of workers

Guidance: include duty of care
hazardous manual tasks

infection control

83 Consider a typical care facility and answer the questions that follow.
a) List two examples of emergency procedures typically implemented in care facilities.
(Provide an outline of each emergency procedure that you have identified)
b) List two examples of WHS policies and procedures typically implemented in care facilities.
(Briefly describe the WHS policies and procedures that you have identified.)

Attachment:- Provide individualised support.rar

Reference no: EM132994121

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