Reference no: EM132547116
CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
Assessment - Underpinning Knowledge/Questions and case study
Task 1: Written Report
The assessment task is to develop a written report and provide a summary of the report in a five (5) minute presentation to the large class group. (Oral or using PowerPoint or Prezi)
The student will be provided with a list of 3 target groups, from these groups the student is to select at least one target group to develop a program for and write a report.
The student is to research the selected target group and address each of the following points in the written report and summarised in the 5-minute presentation.
1. Identify Community services organisations that currently address the needs ofthe target group you have selected.
2. List at least 2 opportunities for collaboration and service partnerships when developing a program for service delivery
3. Undertake research to determine a problem or gap in service provision;or unmet needs of that particular target group of individuals.
4. Research any existing program models and evidence-basedinterventions that could be used to addressany identified gap, unmet needs in service provision that you have found through your research.
5. From your research you will need to develop a service delivery program plan that includes the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the program to address the identified gap in services to meet unmet needs relating to the target group.
6. Include in your report the strategies you would use to consult and engage the target group in the analysis of service needs:
a) List at least 1 engagement and consultation strategy for an individual from target group
b) List at least 1 engagement and consultation strategy for a group of 10 peoplefrom target group
c) List at least 2 barriers to engagement and consultation with target group
d) List at least 2 barriers to engagement and consultation with community service organisation and how these barriers might be addressed
e) List the stages of the program planning that should include service user engagement
7. Planning this program includes development of the following:
a) List the Target group and location (Urban, rural or regional) of the group you have selected
b) List of any multifaceted needs e.g. Mental health issues, Alcohol and other drug issues, CALD background, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or Age.
c) Identified issues, problems, gap area and/or groups unmet needs;
d) List internal and external stakeholders in the community services organisation you have identified that currently address needs of the target group you have selected.
e) Describe any new potential partnerships that might be needed to contribute to the planned program delivery
f) Estimate budget for the program
g) Describe the program purpose (outcomes) and program objectives (outputs) of this program
h) Identify two potential sources of funding and any key performance indicators that need to be met as part of the funding source e.g. most government funding requires key performance indications to be listed in program planning.
i) List all tasks (developed from objectives) with a timeline for their completion and allocate tasks to match roles amongst internal and external stakeholders.
8. Attach to the report examples of relevant community service organisational procedures including:
a) Example of a community services complaints and/or grievance procedure
b) Example of a Client Service Agreement outlining the client rights and responsibilities
c) Example of policy and procedures related to consumer engagement or participation
d) List in the report relevant codes, best practice standards and relevant legislation that applies to community service work.
e) Determine human, financial and physical resources required and explore how you might meet resource needs
9. During the implementation and monitoring stages of the program discuss the following issues:
a) What issues might impact the success of your program or ability to meet program objectives
b) How might you go about identifying training gaps (information / knowledge, skills) in your human resources in terms of what is required to implement program delivery?
c) Describe ways of interacting or communicating with service users during monitoring to assess any of their changing needs, complaints, grievances and feedback?
10. The success of the program will be evaluated based upon following key points:
a) What methods will you use to evaluate the success, progress/outcomes of your program/activity?
b) What will you do if feedback or changing requirements recommend modification of program?
c) List three (3) reasons for maintaining accurate program documentation.
Target Group 1
Smoking tobacco during pregnancy is an avoidable risk factor for expectant mothers. Smoking during pregnancy can lead to pregnancy complications and poorer outcomes for babies, including low birthweight, pre-term birth, and perinatal death and has serious long-term health implications for women and babies.
Smoking during pregnancy was most prevalent in teenage mothers (42.1%) and decreased with older age to 10.9% of mothers aged 35 years and older. Of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers in these jurisdictions 52.2% reported smoking during pregnancy, compared with 15.8% of non-Indigenous mothers.The percentage of mothers who smoked during pregnancy is based on the number of mothers who self-reported having smoked tobacco at any time during pregnancy.
Young women identified that they had abstained from alcohol and other drugs whenpregnant, but found it very difficult to give up smoking.
Target Group 2
Research shows that young people leaving out-of-home care at 17 suffer high levels of homelessness. Out-of-home care is the placement of a child/teenager (aged 0 to 17 years) who is unable to live with their parents or other primary caregiver and is provided with alternate caregivers on a short or long-term basis as decreed by state or territory authorities. The Australian Institute of Family Studies identifies five types of out-of-home care:
• Residential care - placement in a residential building with paid staff
• Family group homes: homes for children/teenagers provided by a department or community-sector agency, which have live-in carers who are reimbursed and/or subsidised for the provision of care
• Home-based care - placement in the home of a carer who is reimbursed for expenses for the care of the child. There are four categories of home-based care: relative or kinship care; foster care; third-party parental care arrangements; and other home-based, out-of-home care
• Independent living - includes private board and lead tenant households
• Other - placements that do not fit into the above categories and unknown placement types. This may include boarding schools, hospital, hotels/motels and the defense forces.
Target group 3
A large number of4-17-year-olds with mental disorders identified in community service surveys have not had any contact with services. While the majority of those with severe disorders have used services, more than 10% have not, and this is of particular concern. Furthermore, the low proportion of those with mild disorders accessing services may represent missed opportunities for early intervention, at a time when interventions are likely to be most effective.
Counselling was most commonly identified as a need by parents and carers. Of the children who accessed counselling, about one-third reported that their needs had been fully met, one-third reported that their needs had been partially met, and one-third reported that their needs had been completely unmet in the past 12 months. Around 5% of 13-17-year-olds with mental disorders reported to have used online services for personal support or counselling in the past 12 months. About 10% had used a telephone helpline.
Addressing the gap is not simple. It requires parents, family, the young person themselves or other significant adults in their lives to first identify the problem and seek help, and for appropriate help to be available when needed.
Attachment:- Develop and implement service programs.rar