Reference no: EM132473741
CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care - Compliant Learning Resources
Play and Development
Part A - Holistic Development
Nutrition is extremely important in relation to a child's brain development.
Explain how adequate nutrition before a child's birth is important.
Explain how adequate nutrition after a child's birth is important.
As an Early Childhood educator it is essential that you support the brain development of all children in your care.
Explain in 4-5 sentences, the importance of discussing children's interests with them, in order to stimulate early brain development.
Explain in 4-5 sentences, the importance of using your observations of children to support their development.
Explain in 4-5 sentences, the importance of using routines as opportunities to foster children's independence.
In 4-5 sentences, explain the importance of encouraging children to explore the environment and biological resources, in order to positively influence learning and development.
As an Early Childhood educator it is essential that you provide play and learning experiences that support the growth of children across all developmental domains. Complete the tables as instructed for each developmental domain:
Physical development - Name at least one (1) piece of equipment, game or toy you could use to support children's fine motor, gross motor and fundamental movement skills.
Emotional/Psychological development - List three (3) decision-making opportunities in the table below, that you can provide to children to help support their emotional and psychological development.
Foundational Knowledge of Developmental Theory: Language development - Complete the table below listing three (3) experiences you can provide to children that will expose them to different forms of language and literature and two (2) experiences that will give children the opportunity to express themselves through language.
Creative development - Fill out the table below, by indicating at least one (1) experience you could provide for children to use each of their senses and to express themselves in order to support their creative development.
Cognitive development - Write at least one (1) problem-solving experience you can provide to support the cognitive development of children in each of the following age groups: 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 6-12 years.
Consider a cultural activity that encourages the use of home languages and family contributions that can be done within the centre. Write a paragraph of 5-7 sentences, discussing the following points:
Ensure you cover the following points for your chosen activity:
Briefly describe or name your chosen activity.
How does your activity value and encourage the use and acquisition of home languages?
Which age group you have planned the activity for?
What focus should the introduction and implementation of the activity have?
What could you do to involve the children in group discussions?
What could you do to encourage contribution from the children's family?
How does encouraging family's diverse contribution to learning activities benefit children?
Fill out the table below giving the name of a relevant theorist and a summary of the relevant theory of child development.
In your own words, explain why creativity is important to child development.
The incorporation of activities that stimulate a child's creativity is an essential part of a centre's program.
Which part of the national standards supports this?
What learning outcome of the relevant learning frameworks supports this?
Describe in your own words:
What is Blooms Taxonomy?
What are the six cognitive skills revised by Krathwohl in 2000?
Describe in your own words:
Who proposed Multiple Intelligence Theory?
How could you include it in learning experiences?
What are the nine intelligences?
The table below indicates, two other life experiences, aside from the factors listed in the above table that may interrupt appropriate childhood activities.
Part B - Support Play and Learning
How would you use reflective practice in ‘providing experiences to support children's play and learning'?
How does the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child relate to ‘Providing experiences to support children's play and learning'?
Fill out the table below: Identify common organisational standards, policies and procedures that are relevant to a childcare centre. (List 2 of each)
Part C - Use Information about CHildren
Fill out the table below in relation to the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child and Code of Ethics and explain the purpose of each.
Which section of the Educators Guide to the EYLF refers to using theories of child development, in order to analyse information and plan accordingly? Note the page numbers of this section.
Which section of the Educators Guide to the MTOP refers to using theories of child development, in order to analyse information and plan accordingly? Note the page numbers of this section.
Describe in your own words how you can use observations on child development and analyse a child's information to assist in planning?
In the table below, provide a description of the following observation techniques and outline what they are best used to observe.
What report-writing standards and protocols should you follow when writing observation reports?
There are certain organisational standards, policies and procedures that are relevant to the gathering of information about a child to inform practice.
Name the relevant standard, frameworks, convention and code that applies. (There are five in total).
Part D - Respectful and Positive with children
There are a range of things you need to take into consideration if you want to communicate effectively.
Complete the table below listing 2 verbal and 2 non-verbal things you need to take into consideration when communicating with children and their families.
List 5 examples of how you can interact and communicate positively and respectfully with children throughout their day and provide examples of what those interactions would be.
Describe 3 different ways you can respond in a sensitive, respectful and collaborative way when communicating with children about their interests, stories and ideas.
Describe 3 different techniques to guide children's behaviour and how you would apply each in the centre.
All centres are required to have a policy that outlines strategies that will be used to guide children's behaviour as stated in the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.
What organisational policies, procedure and guidelines would be in place to assist you in developing limits and consequences for inappropriate behaviours?
Which section of the above regulations are you required to follow and what does it state?
How does this meet the requirements of upholding a child's rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child?
Part E - Support Behaviour
Describe at least 5 (5) characteristics of a safe and supportive environment.
Fill out the table below:
Identify one contributing environmental factor that may affect development and behavior for each of the examples.
Provide a practice you could use to minimize the factors affects for each of the examples.
List at least four (4) potential impacts on the behaviour of each of these above groups, by not implementing safe, supportive and equitable practices?
A child in the group has a new baby at home and must keep quiet and play outside at home. List three ways in which this could this affect the child's behavior at the centre?
Discuss four (4) impacts the environment and culture has on the behavior of children.
Describe in your own words:
positive reinforcement
Why you would use positive reinforcement
Describe three (3) positive support strategies involving communication that you could use to redirect behaviors of concern.
Discuss how you would diffuse the following hypothetical situation:
‘Two children are yelling at each other, one of the children is holding a book about to throw it at the other.'
Describe in your own words how culture and the environment can impact on the behaviour of children.
What is disruptive behaviour?
What is meant by ‘behaviours of concern'?
What are the main differences between disruptive behaviours and ‘behaviours of concern'?
Rewrite the following instructions using positive language, so that they become positive communication behaviour expectations.
Describe an activity that would allow children to explore each of the following symbol systems with children in your centre:
Musical Notation
Case Study A - Holistic Development
Download the linked scenario and answer the questions below.
Scenario - Kurt Sampson
Write a paragraph to describe your concerns about Kurt and what steps, as an assistant educator you would need to take to respond to those concerns.
As a result of your actions, you and your colleagues work with Kurt's mother to develop strategies that will help him express his feelings and to encourage him to socialise with the other children at the service.
List at least 3 strategies that could be used to encourage Kurt to express his feelings.
List at least 3 strategies that could be used to support Kurt to socialise with the other children in the group.
List the National Quality Standard and elements that link to this practice.
State the code and the convention that applies in this situation.
Case Study B - Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
Scenario One (1) : Collaborating with children
Read the following scenario and answer the questions below.
You are one of the educators working with a group of 24 pre-school aged children at Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre. At Sparkling Stars there is a very strong focus on collaborating with the children to build their ideas into the program each day.
Each day in the Preschool Room starts with a ‘Morning Conference' where the children are invited to share their ideas for what they would like to do for the day.
Question 1.
Imagine you are running the Morning Conference. How will you ensure there is enough time for all the children to express their ideas?
Which alternatives can you provide to the children that have difficulty expressing themselves in front of the whole group?
How will you make sure you acknowledge each child's contributions?
How will you encourage children to share their stories and ideas?
Question 2.
At this Morning's Conference, Jackson has an idea to build a rocket which appeals to most of the children in the group. As you discuss Jackson's idea, a lot of other suggestions are added - some of them unsuitable for the care situation.
Describe how you will explain to the children that their suggestions are not suitable.
Write a description of how you will explore alternative options with those children.
Write 2-3 paragraphs to describe how you will assist the children in making their ideas a reality.
Question 3.
During the discussions you had with the children, they showed an interest in finding out where all their friends' families come from. You decide it is a great opportunity to build multicultural cooking experiences into the program for all the children. Some of the younger children are a little hesitant about trying new things.
Describe at least 2 strategies you could use to encourage the children to participate in the multicultural cooking experiences.
Case Study C - Understanding Children Behaviour
Scenario 1:
This behaviour raised your concern and made you decide to discuss it with your supervisor. Simulate a dialogue with your supervisor by creating a video recording of yourself discussing your concerns about Jake. You may do it as a monologue or you may invite a friend to play the part of your supervisor. Keep your recording less than 5 minutes long.
Scenario 2:
Collect and record the data presented in the case study using the questionnaire provided
What behaviour have you identified as a source of concern? Provide a brief description.
How frequent to you observe this behaviour?
How much does this behaviour affect the child's relationships? Describe the intensity of the behaviour.
Based on your observations, identify Jake's behavior/s that may require additional support.
Research about the behavior identified and provide two possible methods to provide support to Jake:
Create a report offering your findings from your observation as additional support to your supervisor:
Project - Observing, Gathering and Analysing Information
Assessment Requirements:
To complete this project, you will need access to:
A Regulated childcare centre
Three children of varying ages attending the childcare centre
The children's families for discussion
Samples of children's work
Important: You are required to complete this project in a childcare setting as an educator through vocational placement or direct employment.
Project Overview:
This project requires you to observe, document and analyse information regarding three children of varying age in the centre. This project is divided into four parts:
Gathering and recording information
Analysing observations of the children's behaviour
Writing reports
Contributing to program planning
Part 1: Gathering and recording information
Select three children of varying ages from the childcare centre and follow.
Step 1: Gather and record their information using the forms
Step 2: Talk and interact with the children and record your observations.
For children 2 years old and above:
Give the child drawing supplies (ensure drawing supplies are child-friendly)
Have the child draw a picture.
Have the child describe and explain the drawing.
During the entire exercise make sure to jot down your observations regarding the child's personality and behaviour
Scan the child's work and save it in his recordsPart 2: Analysing observations of the children's behavior
Based on your observations, provide an analysis of the children's behaviour. Use the space provided below to discuss your analyses:
Describe the frequency, intensity and duration of the behaviour of the child that requires support:
Describe an aspect of the child's development as reflected by your observation:
Describe an aspect of the child's knowledge, ideas, abilities and interests as reflected by your own observation:
Part 3: Writing Reports
Write a report summarizing your findings for the three children. You may use any format as long as the following information are included in your report:
For each of the three children interviewed and observed, you must provide:
A summary of the interview/observation session conducted with the child
A summary of your observations
A summary of your findings
Your recommendations
Part 4: Contributing to program planning
Based on your findings and recommendations, create a childcare program for each of the child interviewed and observed.
Attachment:- Early Childhood Education and Care.rar