Charlotte lives with her mom and three younger siblings

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Reference no: EM133634727


Charlotte is a 12 year old Caucasian girl. Charlotte lives with her mom and three younger siblings. Charlotte's parents are divorced and her dad lives out of state. Charlotte speaks to her dad once a month, but has not seen him in over a year. Dad doesn't believe in therapy. Charlotte is in 6th grade and has been on the honor roll since starting school. She is in gifted classes at least once a week. Charlotte has started having problems in there when they give her an assignment that she has to think about to get done. Charlotte came to the agency on a referral from her school social worker. Charlotte's mom has expressed concern about Charlotte's anxiety and reached out to the school for help. During the first session, Charlotte arrives with her mom and three younger siblings on time. Her hair is up in a ponytail and she has clean clothes on. Once alone with the therapist, she appears apprehensive and anxious. Client's sex, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education, etc.

Reference no: EM133634727

Questions Cloud

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Tendencies and meeting full-blown clinical syndromes : Type the formal names of the DSM-5-TR diagnoses for John. Remember, there is a difference in tendencies and meeting full-blown clinical syndromes.
Cope successfully with age related declines in health : Describe five ways in which elder adukts may be able to cope successfully with age related declines in health, fitness and other capabilities.
Major approaches to psychotherapy integration : What are the four major approaches to psychotherapy integration? How can these routes to integration be useful for you in designing your perspective on counseli


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