Charge of security at the nightclub

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133436214

Case 1.

A person has applied to be a bouncer (which is a licensed security position) at a large nightclub. He placed nothing on his application disclosing a previous arrest. The detective in charge of licensing completes a record check and discovers that the applicant has been arrested for assault on his wife about three months ago. His wife received medical attention. He was in jail overnight, released the next morning and there was no conviction since the wife left town (and has not returned in fear of her husband).

The application comes to you as the security manager with the detective recommending not to approve the application given that applicant failed to disclose the arrest (although he was not convicted). The applicant is otherwise qualified.

You are in charge of security at the nightclub. What should you do? Explain the factors supporting your decision.

Case 2.

Your second question is to challenge you to think in terms of the subject matter you have studied and applying it to the unique security assignment to demonstrate that different assignments may require a different qualification in terms of character, training, pay and experience.

Discuss from your perspective as the director of security, the kind of security personnel you would want to employ to work as security mid-level managers for the Olympics or similar large sporting event or political rally. Discuss the requirements for character, competence, commitment, compensation, and experience.

You should provide a description of the methods to recruit, select, train and supervise. Also, provide insightful comments about the unique qualifications needed for these kind of security personnel for such an event.

Keep in mind the kinds of threats that such an event would attract and the critical assets that must be protected.

Reference no: EM133436214

Questions Cloud

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Explain the presentence investigation report : Explain the presentence investigation report and explain which type of sentencing you support, unstructureed sentencing or structured sentencing, and why?
Distinguish between arrests and searches and seizures : Distinguish between arrests and searches and seizures with and without a warrant. Do you believe that we need or don't need warrantless actions?
Decrease juvenile crime-protect juveniles from victimization : Curfew laws have increased in the United States. The intent of curfews is to decrease juvenile crime and protect juveniles from victimization.
Charge of security at the nightclub : You are in charge of security at the nightclub. What should you do? Explain the factors supporting your decision.
Explain the issues of guilty plea : Explain the issues of guilty plea's? What are the problems associated with guilty pleas?
Alien smuggling or human trafficking : You agree or disagree that efforts to combat Alien Smuggling or Human Trafficking under current Department of Homeland Security are effective?
Rethinking immigration detention : Explain one issue that is discussed by Kalhan (2010) in the article "Rethinking Immigration Detention." Refer to the article and/or lecture notes.
Practitioner of law understand about electronic discovery : What kinds of things should the modern practitioner of law understand about electronic discovery?


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