Characterize the raven acts of creation

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Reference no: EM133428058


1. In reading the stories about this Sacred Being, we can characterize the Raven's acts of creation as which of the following?

carefully planned and for the good of all

generous and caring

largely unintentional and/or for his own interests

only for the benefit of the Haida Nation and not himself

2. According to the video featuring Chief Justice Murray Sinclair, there will be a quick recovery from the effects of Indian Residential Schools.

True or False

3. The Haida language is extinct now.

True or False

4. In our modules so far, we have seen that the preservation of Indigenous languages and cultures is important to who among the following?

Many Indigenous Peoples

No one

Only Indigenous Elders

It's always been important to the Canadian government as well as Indigenous Elders

5. It is preferable to use the name that a First Nation calls itself rather than the name given to them by outsiders.

True or False

6. In the book, The Raven Steals the Light, the time in which many of the Sacred stories took place is identified as which of the following?

After Queen Charlotte's time

After First Contact

Real time


7. We watched a video in which Bill Reid narrated the meaning of the figures in one of his sculptures. What sculpture was it?

The totem pole at the Pitt Rivers Museum

The Spirit of Haida Gwaii Jade Canoe in Vancouver, B.C.

The Raven and The First Men in Washington, D.C.

The totem pole at the Museum of Anthropology

8. From the documentaries we've watched, words that can represent Haida perspectives on the environment include which of the following?

money, medicine

respect, balance

art in museums

logging, casinos

9. Unceded territory means which of the following?

That a treaty gives the government and corporations the limited power to log First Nations territory

That a treaty regarding territory exists between the British Columbia government and First Nations

That no treaty regarding territory was signed with the government

That a treaty regarding territory exists between the Canadian government and First Nations

10. In reading the stories about this Sacred Being, we can characterize the Raven's acts of creation as which of the following?

carefully planned and for the good of all

generous and caring

largely unintentional and/or for his own interests

only for the benefit of the Haida Nation and not himself

Reference no: EM133428058

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