Characteristics of three main kinds of religious specialists

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133477889 , Length: 4 pages



List Winston King's eight characteristics of religion. List and describe the characteristics of the three main kinds of religious specialists. Define ritual. What are the key components of a good ritual. Explain the idea and role of liminality and communitas in a rite of passage. (3 to 4 pages)

Reference no: EM133477889

Questions Cloud

How did it feel while you were breaking this cultural norm : How did people react to your behavior? How did it feel while you were breaking this cultural norm? Did you feel comfortable breaking your cultural norm?
Describe biocultural environment : Discuss how it has shaped your life history. How has your ancestry, culture, and environment affected/shaped your biology? Relate this information to yourself.
Who are the nacirema : Who are the Nacirema? What are some of their practices according to the emic and etic point of view? What do their practices "actually" represent?
Contrast goals of bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology : Compare and contrast the goals of bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology.
Characteristics of three main kinds of religious specialists : List Winston King's eight characteristics of religion. List and describe the characteristics of the three main kinds of religious specialists.
Analyze gender differences are reflected in language : Analyze how socioeconomic, ethnic, and gender differences are reflected in language. Give specific examples?
Discuss about anthropology : Taken what you have learned so far in this course about anthropology, pick a "real world problem" that you observe (locally or globally).
Describe two or three hominin species : Describe two or three hominin species and explain how and why they were potential precursors to modern Homo sapiens.
What is the composition of the binomial scientific name : What is the composition of the binomial scientific name? In other words, what 2 taxonomic categories make up the scientific name?


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