Reference no: EM133714014
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to visualize where people you know, including yourself, seek wisdom in our time so that a meaningful comparison to God's wisdom-as revealed in Old Testament Wisdom Literature.
Instructions: Use PowerPoint or another resource to compose a presentation that has 3 slides.
Slide 1: Compose a collage that reflects where people seek wisdom today. They may or may not be "Christian" places. Include at least 7 places, and make sure each location is clearly identifiable if you use images instead of words in your collage. (For example, people may find wisdom in universities, but an image of a chalkboard to represent that will not be clear to the professor. A university logo or diploma would be a clearer visual option for the collage. You can label the images for clarity if you feel it is necessary.)
Slide 2: Compose a well-thought-out sentence that defines biblical wisdom. You are welcome to quote your course material or another credible source, but at the very least the definition should be inspired by the week's material, to include the biblical material, the Lucas reading, and the introductory videos. Be sure that you agree with it and cite it. Add this well-formed sentence to the second slide of your presentation.
Slide 3: Graph a Venn Diagram that compares and contrasts characteristics of the Wisdom of the World (left circle)-perhaps wisdom derived from the places represented in your collage on slide 1- with characteristics of Biblical Wisdom (right circle), as defined in part two and your week's material. For example, the "Wisdom of the World" circle might list (in part): "acquired by extensive study," or "highly individualized." Items in the "Biblical Wisdom" circle might list (in part): "Begins with fear of the Lord," (Proverbs 9:10) or "Biblical wisdom has literal, practical implications for daily life," (Yamada video), or a quote from the Lucas book, or "God's wisdom teaches us how to suffer well, how to enjoy well, how to love well, and how to live well," (Welton, as quoted in the Welcome to Class video by Dahlman). Every point should have a citation to the course material.
Considering God's wisdom is cosmic in scope and revealed in creation, the center of your Venn diagram will demonstrate how the wisdom of the world and God's wisdom could overlap.