Characteristics of the populations served by the agency

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133644791

Imagine that you are a social worker treating an LGBTQ couple who live in a state with few protections against discrimination. Or maybe you are working with a single dad whose children are frequently sent home from school for behavioral issues, an action that then jeopardizes his employment. Policies-on the federal, state, local, or even school and organization level-affect clients' lives in large ways. What types of clients do you see in your field agency, and what laws and policies create barriers for them?

  • Describe your field agency.
  • Define the characteristics of the populations served by the agency.
  • Identify the key issues, barriers, and challenges experienced by clients.
  • Analyze how local, state, and federal policies, legislation, and regulations impact these issues.
  • Explain the extent to which the agency is involved in policy advocacy efforts. Describe how you, as an intern at the agency, are involved. Offer specific examples.

Reference no: EM133644791

Questions Cloud

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How does mainstream us society frame the concept of race : After viewing the film "Race: The Power of an Illusion- The Story We Tell", how does mainstream US society "frame" the concept of race?
Characteristics of the populations served by the agency : Define the characteristics of the populations served by the agency. Identify the key issues, barriers, and challenges experienced by clients.
How is practice of felony disenfranchisement both racial : How might the changing racial demographics of the United States impact politics and race relations over the next 10 to 20 years?
Examine the significance of the law and society perspective : Define and examine the significance of the "Law and Society perspective." Why is it important to study the relationship between law and society?
What is the name for a set of hierarchical relationships : What is the name for a set of hierarchical relationships where groups are defined culturally, ethnically, and/or racially.
Why is concept of race being a social construct dangerous : Why is the concept of race being a social construct dangerous?


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