Characteristics of the kind of social organization

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Reference no: EM132349190

Weber discusses the characteristics of the kind of social organization he sees as dominating modernity. Remember that Weber sees this rationalized organization as one of the greatest inventions of modernity, but he is also concerned about how these organizations will change the experience of the individual in modernity.

1. In what respects is bureaucracy impersonal? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of this impersonality?

2. Through most of human history, kinship has been the foundation of social organization. Why is kinship missing from Weber's analysis of bureaucracy? On what other basis are people selected for bureaucratic positions?

3. Why does bureaucracy take a hierarchical form? Do you think formal organization must be hierarchical?

4. Discuss at least 4 characteristics of bureaucracy as presented in the Max Weber writings.

Reference no: EM132349190

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